Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine

Journal of Infectious Diseases & Preventive Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-8731

+44 1300 500008

Dr Stefano Vaglio

Dr Stefano Vaglio

Dr Stefano Vaglio
Postdoc Fellow, Department of Anthropology
Durham University, England


In 2003 I graduated with first class honours in Biology at Pisa University. Following a career break, I gained my PhD in Anthropology from Florence University in 2009. Before joining the Anthropology Department, I worked as Postdoctoral Fellow and Part-time Lecturer at the Biology Department of Florence University, focussing on chemical communication in non-human primates and humans, and as Part-time Research Scientist at the Garda Zoological Park, focussing on welfare assessment and management of captive primates as well as in-situ conservation initiatives. The majority of my research work has focused on captive primates (ring-tailed lemurs, cotton-top tamarins, mandrills) housed at European zoological gardens. However I have also conducted primate fieldwork in Madagascar (white sifakas) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (bonobos). Furthermore, for several years I have been working on applied projects about primate conservation and the sustainability of local communities in Africa and, as a result of this experience, I co-founded a specialized consultancy firm launched in 2011 as a Florence University spin-off of which I am currently Partner. At present, I co-teach the Primate Behaviour module, I serve as College Mentor at the Van Mildert College and I act as Postdoctoral Rep for the Departmental Research Committee and the Board of Studies. Additionally, I am Research Associate at Garda Zoological Park, Member of the Steering Committee of the EU LIFE Northern Bald Ibis project and Member of the Board of Directors of Trunks & Leaves.

Research Interest

Microsmatic primates revisited: Determining the importance of olfaction in primate communication
