Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9899

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology has got h-index 42, which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology has got 42 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

59 28 11 35 56

Year wise citations received

1014 960 920 853 811
Journal total citations count 8361
Journal impact factor 24.12
Journal 5 years impact factor 31.14
Journal cite score 30.45
Journal h-index 42
Journal h-index since 2018 32
Important citations (1511)

auriemma m, vianale g, amerio p, reale m (2013) cytokines and t cells in atopic dermatitis. euro cyto net 24: 37-44.

mollanazar nk, smith pk, yosipovitch g (2016) mediators of chronic pruritus in atopic dermatitis: getting the itch out?. clini rev allergy immunol 51: 263-292.

bao l, zhang h, chan ls (2013) the involvement of the jak-stat signaling pathway in chronic inflammatory skin disease atopic dermatitis. jak-stat 2: e24137.

kremer ae, feramisco j, reeh pw, beuers u, elferink rp (2014) receptors, cells and circuits involved in pruritus of systemic disorders. biochim biophys acta 1842: 869-892.

zhang a, silverberg ji (2015) association of atopic dermatitis with being overweight and obese: a systematic review and metaanalysis. j the ame acad derma 72: 606-616.

morizane s, yamasaki k, kajita a, ikeda k, zhan m, et al. (2012) th2 cytokines increase kallikrein 7 expression and function in atopic dermatitis. the j allergy cin immunol 130: 259.

young js, wu t, chen y, zhao d, liu h, et al (2012) donor b cells in transplants augment clonal expansion and survival of pathogenic cd4+ t cells that mediate autoimmune-like chronic graft-versus-host disease. the j immunol 189: 222-233.

margolis dj, gupta j, apter aj, ganguly t, hoffstad o, et al. (2014) filaggrin-2 variation is associated with more persistent atopic dermatitis in african american subjects. j allergy clin immunol133: 784-789.

hamilton jd, suárez-fariñas m, dhingra n, cardinale i, li x, et al. (2014) dupilumab improves the molecular signature in skin of patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis. j allergy clin immunol 134: 1293-1300.

siracusa mc, kim bs, spergel jm, artis d (2013) basophils and allergic inflammation. journal of allergy and clinical immunology 132: 789-801.

pellerin l, henry j, hsu cy, balica s, jean-decoster c, et al. (2013) defects of filaggrin-like proteins in both lesional and nonlesional atopic skin. j allergy clin immunol 131: 1094-1102.

eyerich k, novak n (2013) immunology of atopic eczema: overcoming the th1/th2 paradigm. allergy 68: 974-982.

gittler jk, shemer a, suárez-fariñas m, fuentes-duculan j, gulewicz kj, et al. (2012) progressive activation of t h 2/t h 22 cytokines and selective epidermal proteins characterizes acute and chronic atopic dermatitis. j allergy clin immunol 130: 1344-1354.

kim bs, siracusa mc, saenz sa, noti m, monticelli la, et al. (2013) tslp elicits il-33–independent innate lymphoid cell responses to promote skin inflammation. sci trans med 5: 170ra16.

adapa d, sai yr, anand sy, mehaboobi s, aramalla er (2012) a brief review on immune mediated diseases. j clin cell immunol 11: 2.

crameri r. immunoglobulin e‐binding autoantigens: biochemical characterization and clinical relevance. clin exp allergy. 2012 mar 1;42(3):343-51.

adapa d, sai yr, anand sy, mehaboobi s, aramalla er (2012) a brief review on immune mediated diseases. j clin cell immunol 11: 2.

zhang l, kloc m, tejpal n, you j, cordero-reyes am, et al. (2012) rock1 inhibitor abrogates chronic rejection in rat cardiac model system. open j org tran sur 2.

zhang l, you j, sidhu j, tejpal n, ganachari m, et al. (2013) abrogation of chronic rejection in rat model system involves modulation of the mtorc1 and mtorc2 pathways. transplantation 96(9): 782-790.

hongbing z, shenrong j (2014) advances in the development of a new vaccine delivery system depovaxtm. chinese journal of biologicals 1: 038.
