Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology
Open Access

ISSN: 2155-9899

Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology has got h-index 42, which means every article in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology has got 42 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Clinical and Cellular Immunology.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

59 28 11 35 56

Year wise citations received

1014 960 920 853 811
Journal total citations count 8361
Journal impact factor 24.12
Journal 5 years impact factor 31.14
Journal cite score 30.45
Journal h-index 42
Journal h-index since 2018 32
Important citations (1511)

nissen se (2006) copia autorizada por cdr. j med 354: 1706-1717.

davison lm (2015) exploration of pro-and anti-inflammatory effector functions of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in systemic lupus erythematosus. doctoral dissertation, case western reserve university.

dorta-estremera sm (2015) plasmacytoid dendritic cell-mediated humoral autoimmunity. ut gsbs dissertations and theses.

biessen ea christ a (2014) plasmacytoid dendritic cells in atherosclerosis: knocking at t-cell's door. circulation 130: 1340-1342.

oon s, huynh h, tai ty, ng m, monaghan k, et al. (2016) a cytotoxic anti-il-3ra antibody targets key cells and cytokines implicated in systemic lupus erythematosus. jci insight.

bazsó a, szodoray p, szappanos á, korda j, pálfi p, et al. (2015) systemic autoimmune, rheumatic diseases and coinciding psoriasis: data from a large single-centre registry and review of the literature. mediators inflamm.

huang x, dorta-estremera s, yao y, shen n, cao w (2015) predominant role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in stimulating systemic autoimmunity. front immunol.

saadeh d, kurban m, abbas o (2016) update on the role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in inflammatory/autoimmune skin diseases. exp dermatol 25: 415-421.

picard c, mathieu al, hasan u, henry t, jamilloux y, et al. (2015) inherited anomalies of innate immune receptors in pediatric-onset inflammatory diseases. autoimmun rev 14: 1147-1153.

davison lm, jørgensen tn (2015) sialic acid–binding immunoglobulin-type lectin h–positive plasmacytoid dendritic cells drive spontaneous lupus-like disease development in b6. nba2 mice. arthritis rheumatol 67: 1012-1022.

baptiste p, akinshipo f (2016) a case of an elderly patient with primary biliary cirrhosis. eur geriatr med 7: 366-368.

omori k, yoshida k, yokota m, daa t, kan m (2016) familial occurrence of autoimmune liver disease with overlapping features of primary biliary cholangitis and autoimmune hepatitis in a mother and her daughter. clin j gastroenterol 9: 312-318.

ali ah, carey ej, lindor kd (2016) the management of autoimmunity in patients with cholestatic liver diseases. expert rev gastroenterol hepatol 10: 73-91.

kistler ad (2015) lupusnephritis. ther umsch 72: 171-177.

zhaohui z, yuxi r, zhenbiao w (2015) advances in research on biomarkers of systemic lupus erythematosus. chin j cell mol immunol.

hernández am, blanco rv, rodríguez al, linares jc, hernández aa, et al. (2016) anticuerpos anti c1q en enfermos con lupus eritematoso sistémico en fase activa. revista cubana de hematología, inmunología y hemoterapia.

haixia l (2015) research status and prospect of complement system and kidney diseases. chinese j lab med 9: 580-582.

stiborová i, král v, rovenský j, blažícková s (2015) clinical significance of anti-c1q antibodies in sle klinický význam anti-c1q protilátok pri sle. acta fac pharm univ comen 11: 15-20.

chi s, xue j, li f, zhu c, yu y, et al. (2016) correlation of serum soluble interleukin-7 receptor and anti-c1q antibody in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. autoimmun dis.

mahayidin h, yahya nk, ghazali ws, ismail am, ab hamid wz (2016) evaluation of endothelial cell adhesion molecules and anti-c1q antibody in discriminating between active and non-active systemic lupus erythematosus. malays j med sci 23: 22.
