Sociology and Criminology-Open Access

Sociology and Criminology-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4435


Ogadimma Arisukwu

Sociology Department, Landmark University, Omu-Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria

  • Editorial   
    Socio-Cultural Consequences of Covid 19 Lockdown and Social Distancing: The Nigerian Experience
    Author(s): Ogadimma Arisukwu*

    The emergence of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic has disrupted social norms, values, and cultural ways of social engagements and interactions among the people in a society. The lockdown and social distancing rules aimed at preventing the spread of the virus through person to person transmission has confined people to their homes. These socio-economic restrictions and isolations have altered the social life and livelihood of people. Frustrations and dissatisfactions arising from the social reality created by Covid-19 lockdown and social distancing have led to increased deviant and anti-social behaviors in society. This paper focused on some of the emergent deviant behaviors occasioned by covid-19 lockdown and social distancing in Nigeria... View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2375-4435.21.9.e112

    Abstract HTML PDF
