Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine

Advanced Techniques in Biology & Medicine
Open Access

ISSN: 2379-1764

Miloslav Kubícek

Military Rehabilitation Center, Slapy nad Vltavou, Czech Republic

  • Research Article   
    The Effect of Body-Weight Supported Treadmill Therapy Program on the Gait Asymmetry in Patients after Lower Limb Arthroplasty
    Author(s): Miloslav Kubícek and Tomas Brozek*

    Background: Limitation of the lower limb mobility leads, as a result of the conscious or unconscious compensation to avoid pain, to a disturbance of the gait pattern. A noticeable deviation of gait cycle parameters is manifested by significant asymmetry between the injured and non-injured limbs. Inadequate or insufficient rehabilitation can lead to the persistence of asymmetry causing other musculoskeletal problems. It is assumed that the body-weight supported treadmill rehabilitation program is capable of effective gait symmetry restoration in patients recovering after lower limb surgery. Methods: Thirty patients recovering after lower limb arthroplasty underwent a treatment program consisting of 6 sessions of body-weight supported treadmill exercise. Gait cycle parameters including stance time, step time, step length, swing time, a.. View More»
    DOI: 10.35248/2379-1764.23.11.415

    Abstract HTML PDF
