Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Lawrence M Agius

Lawrence M Agius
Mater Dei Hospital, University of Malta Medical School,

  • Review Article
    Dimensions of Cooperative Cervical Oncogenesis in Abortive Infection by Human Papillomavirus
    Author(s): Lawrence M AgiusLawrence M Agius

    Induced proliferation of Human Papillomavirus genome and proliferation of host basal and suprabasal epithelial cells in the transformation zone are inherently linked in vegetative production of progeny viral particles, as evidenced by the association of late L1 and L2 late elements that encode capsid proteins in the superficial squamous cells of the cervix. Abortive infection is a staged series of networks that utilize cytokine activities towards the utilization of susceptible breakage points within the host cell genome towards an integration series of mechanisms that promotes the immortalization of the epithelial cells principally by the E7 and the transformation by E6 action. Oncogenic transformation is further enhanced by cooperative activities of combined E6-E7 that possibly act as fusion oncoproteins. One intriguing question is the possible dysfunctionality of episomal partitioni.. View More»

    Abstract PDF

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