Journal of Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing

Journal of Perioperative & Critical Intensive Care Nursing
Open Access

ISSN: 2471-9870

Donald E. Greydanus

Donald E. Greydanus

Adolescent Medicine at Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine, Western Michigan University.

Dr. Greydanus received the MD degree from the College of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey (Newark) and completed a Pediatric Residency Program at the Mayo Graduate School of Medicine (Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA) and a Fellowship in Adolescent Medicine from New York University School of Medicine and Bellevue Hospital Center (New York City). Dr. Greydanus has published extensively on adolescent health and lectured in many countries on adolescent health as well. He has published: 1) Co-edited 30 books (including Behavioral Pediatrics now in its 4th edition and Adolescent Medicine in its 5th edition) 2) Published 200+ book chapters 3) Co-edited 30 Journal issues 4) Published over 350 articles
Research Interest

adolescent health, Pediatrics

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