Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research

Orthopedic & Muscular System: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0533



Construction Anatomical Features of the Spine in the Lumbago Patients Comparison between Surgery Patients and Healthy Subjects

Minami Y and Daikuya S

As the preliminary study for establishment of how to decide the adaptation of the invasive therapy and how to increase the efficacy of the conservative therapy, we compared the characteristics of spine alignment between surgery patients with low back pain and healthy subjects using the Spinal Mouse. In the average of various angle, we compared them. Lumbar spinal Canal Stenosis (LCS) accepted a significant difference in thoracic spinal kyphosis angle (Th angle) of upright and Th angle, lumbar spinal lordosis angle (L angle), sacrum anteversion angle (S angle) of between trunk upright to trunk flexion (UF) and L, S angle of between trunk upright to extension (UE) in comparison with healthy subjects. Lumbar Disk Herniation (LDH) accepted a significant difference in Th angle of upright in comparison with healthy. But LDH didn’t accepted a significant difference in all except Th angle of upright in comparison with healthy. It was suggested that it becomes an aid of aggravation prevention of a nerve lesion to catch the form of the spine in spinal patient.
