Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics

Journal of Proteomics & Bioinformatics
Open Access

ISSN: 0974-276X

+44 1223 790975

Publication Ethics

  • Editors must maintain their editorial independence while respecting the freedom of expression of authors.
  • The power of acceptance/rejection of manuscripts rests with editor. While exercising this duty, editors must consider the suggestions of the reviewers.
  • Editors must exercise their power in a confidential and unbiased manner.
  • They should judge the manuscripts on meritorious grounds by acting in a constructive and productive manner.
  • Editors should avoid publishing material with the conflict of interests. To avoid conflict of interest, the manuscript should thoroughly undergo a double peer-review process.
  • Editors refrain from participation in areas where conflicts of professional, personal and financial interests are involved.
  • They should maintain transparency in this regard to promote trust and faith among authors, readers, and publisher.
  • Editor and author may be co-authors of a particular manuscript.
  • Editor and author representing the same organization as employees.
  • Editor acting as chairperson of a dissertation committee to judge a particular authors project, etc.
  • In all such cases, editors should refrain themselves from review process, by appointing independent, neutral reviewers.
  • Editors should remain neutral to ideological, regional, cultural affiliations while judging the content.
  • Promoting clarity and simplicity by stating the general principles applicable to the manuscript in terms of language, style, size and format.

Quality Issues

  • Editors are responsible for promoting the quality of the journal.
  • Hence they must remain vigilant and open to the developments in their concerned field.
  • Should appoint only the experts of the field concerned for the manuscript review.
  • Should facilitate quick, efficient, transparent, timely and accurate review of the manuscript while safeguarding the readers interests.
  • To avoid apprehensions, editors must strictly abide by the double peer review process, by providing the reviewers comments.
  • Should provide timely review to avoid stale or obsolete data/research.
  • Should strive to maintain the overall standard of the journal by not compromising the quality.
  • Should promote quality by contributing personally the classical and standard editorials and opinion pieces.

Ethical Codes of conduct

  • Editors must promote original and genuine research as journals are meant to promote academic and scholarly knowledge.
  • The details of the reviewers must be confidential.
  • The review process must be clearly stated to authors.
  • No hidden charges and agendas encompass the review process.
  • Should discourage plagiarism and violation of copyrighted material.
  • Should acknowledge the source of information where copyright issues are involved.
  • Encouraging the acceptable citation methods and standards.
  • Editors must make it clear about the way the citations must be made.
  • Editors must honor intellectual property rights and human right wherever it is applicable.
  • For example Clinical trials involving human and animals might be essential in life sciences, pure and applied scientific research. Enough care must be taken to honor the existing laws.
  • Must discourage morphing, fading and misusing of the images, graphics and content.
  • Must refrain from the gaming practices like encouraging authors to cite their own publications or a particular journal with an intention to promoting rating/impact factors etc.
  • Reviewers comments should prevail and actions should be taken in that direction without compromising the quality.
  • Editor must take care related to accuracy of facts, content, data, and information presented.
  • Must not allow any information to the public without a critical review or scrutiny.
  • Editor-in-chief remains responsible for readers, authors, publisher, reviewers and the editorial staff.
  • The authority to maintain the honesty and dignity of the journal lies with them.
  • Hence they should ensure honesty, integrity and performance related matrixes to enhancing the overall quality of the journal
  • They should constantly strive to promote quality, integrity and standards, while maintain professional ethics.