Journal of Geology & Geophysics

Journal of Geology & Geophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2381-8719

+44 1478 350008

Short Communication - (2016) Volume 5, Issue 6

The Rate of Sedimentation in Lake Arakhlei (Central Transbaikalia), from Radiogeochemical and Palynological Data

Ptitsyn AB*
Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Nedorezova 16a, Chita, Russia
*Corresponding Author: Ptitsyn AB, Institute of Natural Resources, Ecology and Cryology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ul. Nedorezova 16a, Chita, 672014, Russia, Tel: +73022206197 Email:

The problem of global climate change is very serious, which is largely determined by economic and social aspects. Recently many researchers have noted that on the background of global warming climate changes in the world have a mottled, patchy. However, the reasons for such patchiness are not yet clear [1]. With the climate machine of the planet something is happening. Media regularly report about the different disasters in some regions severe drought and burning forests (Transbaikalia), in others, catastrophic floods (Khabarovsk Krai, France) or the snow (in Turkey or Israel). Is this a result of purely natural processes or to blame people? Is it possible to prevent or at least to predict such disasters?

However, to make climate projections for the future, not having data on paleoclimate, the task is futile. To date, the most important chronicler of paleoclimatic changes are bottom sediments of lakes [2]. A comprehensive study of bottom diments of lakes of different depths, different hydrological regime located in different landscape and climatic zones provide the basis for different paleoclimatic reconstructions. Comparing the data of different samples will allow us to identify trends of climate change in different regions [3]. Of particular interest is the large Central Asian region, is highly sensitive to climate change. Discussing work is a continuation and development of research in Central Asia, the results of which are published in national and international journals in the last 10-15 years. Studies performed together with employees of Institute of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences for a three-year grant RFBR-GFEN, allowed a comparative analysis of sedimentation in lakes of Transbaikalia (Arakhley and Zun- Torey) and lake Sihailongwan (northeastern China) and to establish the changes in climate in some regions of Central Asia for the period 15000 years detailing over the last 80-90 years [4]. These data complement earlier studies in deep-water lakes – Teletskoe (Altai) and Hovsgol (Mongolia).

The average rate of sedimentation in the lake. Arakhley, calculated according to radiocarbon datings, made 0,061-0,111 mm/year, which is considerably higher than in located about 250 km South of lake Zun- Soktuy, where its size is at age interval in years 5670 is changed in the range of 0.047-0.050 mm/year. The sedimentation rate in the lake Zun- Torey, calculated on the content of technogenic radioisotope 137?? in different frames, was 3.0 ± 0.3 mm/year, and in lake Sihailongwan was on average equal to 0.5 mm/year, with variations by year from 0.3 to 0.7 mm/year. In large deep lakes the sedimentation rate is also noticeably different [5]. So, in Lake Teletskoye on the isotopic measurements of precipitation accumulated at a rate of 0.4 mm per year, and in oz. Hovsgol-0.06 mm per year. Thus, precipitation of lake Arakhley is possible to study the dynamics of the climate over the period more than 15000 years, the sediments of the lake. The Zun-Torey should be used for detailed paleoreconstructions over the last 80-90 years; lake Sihailongwan occupies an intermediate position [6]. Longer paleoclimatic series gives studies of sediments of deep lakes (Baikal, Teletskoye). To obtain a sufficiently complete and objective picture of climate change in the Asian region requires a comprehensive study of sediments and processes of sedimentation in lakes of different depth, nutrient status, salinity, anthropogenic load, etc.


  1. Sayer CD, Burgess AM, Kari K, Davidson TA, Peglar S, et al. (2010) Long-term dynamics of submerged macrophytes and algae in a small and shallow, eutrophic lake: implications for the stability of macrophyte-dominance.FreshwatBiol 55:565-83.
  2. Ptitsyn AB, Reshetova SA, Babich VV, Daryin AV, Kalugin IA, et al. (2010) Palaeoclimate chronology and aridization tendencies in the Transbaikalia for the last 1900 years. GeoNat Resour 31:144-147.
  3. Zamana LV, Ptitsyn AB, Chu G, Reshetova SA, Dar’in AV, et al. (2011) Estimation of modern sedimentation rate in Zun-Torei Lake (East Trans-Baikal Region) by 137Cs. DokladyEar Sci 437: 335-339.
  4. Reshetova SA, Bezrukova EV, Panizzo V, Henderson A, Ptitsyn AB, et al. (2013) Vegetation of Central Transbaikalia in the Late Glacial period and Holocene. Geo Nat Resour 34:172-178.
  5. Bazhenova OI, Kobylkin DV, Makarov SA, Rogaleva NN, Silaev AV, et al. (2015) Reconstructing the aeolian processes in Daurian steppes during arid phases of morphogenesis. Geo Nat Resour 36:289-299.
  6. Topolov AA (1978) Microflora and the potential capacity for gas formation of the bottom deposits of the Ivan and Arakhlei lakes (the Baikal region). Mikrobiologiia 48:142-148.
Citation: Ptitsyn AB (2016) The Rate of Sedimentation in Lake Arakhlei (Central Transbaikalia), from Radiogeochemical and Palynological Data. J Geol Geophys 5:264.

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