Sociology and Criminology-Open Access

Sociology and Criminology-Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2375-4435


Editor Note - (2021)Volume 9, Issue 1

Rape Attack on Women.

Gousiya Rahamath

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Brutal attacks on women especially for sexual conflict are day by Increasing like a Cancer inside the body.
Society of living has to be change from the dilemma from Necessity of living. If it is not changed means we would not
survive from the brutal behavioural human animals. There are criminal laws and sections are there to proceed legally
to victims of rape but not surveillance from rapists. Police also taking action on criminals, but they never estimate
their criminal minds, Increase the police force and modification of law and order with highly complicated sections will
decrease the Brutal attacking on women.

Editor Note


Most of the criminals are made by hunger, money offending, illegal types etc. But the rapists are the type of criminals they are changing their psychologically brutal over women [1-3]. This is the culture which is followed from foreign porn web sites and criminological live rape video attacks in respective social web sites etc. Technology is developing towards reach the sky but humanity is drowning it in to the earth [4,5]. Because of the crime rate, it is proving the well developed and democratic countries would not mine their crime rate ratio and as well as they are not trying to decrease. Most of the countries in the world are trying to get more votes to get a leader Position but they are completely neglected their crime ratio [6- 9]. If they are concentrated on crime ratio means they will be “EMPIRE POSITION” in the World.

Countries having Crime Ratios

Here am stating the countries that are in worst crime rate in murderers and rape attacks in a pictorial representation (Table 1), above mentioned pictorial representations and tabular columns are True lies of growing technology and drowning humanity [10-13]. We are fighting for democracy, literacy, conspiracy even privacy also, but not considering the safety of “SHE”. How pity it is not saving the female in respective countries (Figure 1). Brutal Rapist Psychology Psychologically rapists are so worst, comparing to animals they are too ugly, because of watching regular porn sites, brutal attacked tortures lead them a constant evil minded to have rude sex behaviour,

any one of those may not be help full stop brutal rapes and woman attacks, just the High intention towards reduce women attacks and brutal rapes, Women empowerment, safety precautions and licenced armours and weapons etc. will stop these attacks on women.their mind is prepared to do such insane things and un-audible things too, in some cases their mind will turns on old aged people and in some cases below 10 aged kids also [14,15]. Here am stating the incident which is happened in capital city of India, Lets go through it once, how brutal rape attack it is. prosecutors in Delhi are seeking the death penalty against the four men convicted of the raping and murdering a 23-year-old student on board a bus last [16]. Here is a list of five of some of the world’s worst rape cases, including the Delhi bus rape, along with the outcomes for those charged with the crimes (Figure 2).


In this society we are living as a human not as an animal, we have been fighting for literacy, democracy, economy and even privacy also but not thinking of safety and conspiracy, concentrating of these last two things will lead us to in a way of humanity otherwise we are supposed to be live in brutality. There are so many sections, law, justice, punishments, fines etc. are there to go decrease crime and criminals,

Author Info

Gousiya Rahamath

Received: 18-Dec-2020 Accepted: 20-Jan-2021 Published: 27-Jan-2021

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