ISSN: 2332-0761
+44 1300 500008
Opinion - (2017) Volume 5, Issue 4
You know, if author would write an article named "How to become billionaire", people might not be interested, but an article named "How not to become billionaire" may be drawing your attention. They like tutoring us about getting rich, but nobody tutors us about not getting richer. Author happened to face a few people who don't want to become richer. One may say it is unusual, another may say it is impossible. You know, they both are right. When author had faced such people more than once, he has decided to start his research. Here it is step by step.
Author an experienced mechanical engineer. He has got two interesting concepts: one in machine-building area, another - in computer system. The one who would accomplishes these ideas, could not only get a huge profit, but also the monopoly power, to say nothing about advancement of the whole branch of industry.
What is the problem? These ideas are not innovative - it is not a new design/product/code. Actually, it is rather about reorganization, a sequence of steps and actions. In addition, they require certain investment. Not every company manager or director can understand these ideas. At the beginning author tried to suggest his ideas to innovative websites, but it was useless, since such websites are interested only in ideas which can be sold immediately and in one step.
After author had understood his attempts are senseless, he started writing to those who really can do something about, i.e. to owners of large software companies and to their CEO’s, and also to CEO’s of engineering companies. At the same time author have written to few famous university professors of the USA and Europe. Only three of them have granted him their reply, others ignored him totally.
Author thought, even if his ideas were nonsense, just a common civility you usually expect from professor, would oblige him to reply to an adult man, professional, awaiting his advice, even a standard comeoff about being too busy for a proper study of the subject.
By the way, those who have got time for reply (though another come-off of not being in charge to assist), have agreed, that his ideas were not complete nonsense.
The replies to his letters to owners and CEOs weren't different, i.e. no replies. One reply from a very prominent company, though, was quite curious: author was advised politely to apply to the correct address - Department for children's development.
After numerous attempts of applying to various business units (including law offices), author became curious who are those CEOs he wrote to, on whose heads fell down the multi-billion plan. First of all, even to find out their contact address is almost impossible. And even if you are fortunate to find their address, nobody would answer you. Those guys have created around themselves quite a shield of assistants, secretaries and deputies, so that you are unable to reach them directly. When author have only started his attempts of applying to them, he thought information does not reach addressee because of this barrier. Then author understood that the addressee does not want to be reached. From that moment till today author ask himself why.
Confusion and surprise pursue him till now, since his suggestions could help to achieve enormous money and power, but nobody has been interested. And here is his "eureka". Simple - those guys have once pulled out a winning ticket. They happened to be in a right place in a right time. If someone else would find himself in the same place and in the same time, he could get a chance to win the same position.
Now a jigsaw has come together. For to understand why they behave this way, just imagine yourself in their place.
What would you do if you just happened to be in a right place in a right time for to get unexpectedly a great job with huge salary, while not being the best in the your field or developing something brilliant? Almost everyone would behave this way. What do author mean by “this way”? He mean, “To go underground”, to employ people who are able to create and support his reputation. Who can be silent and would not try to bypass him, and minimize external contacts.
Why do they act this way? By popular opinion, for making huge money one should be a genius or at least close to it. And outstanding minds who have earned huge money are believed to behave in a certain way in society.
When someone succeeded in business thanks to his extraordinary abilities, there's nothing to be said against him. Steve Jobs was an excellent example of such a rare talent, and he conducted himself as an opposite to the lucky ones. Did you know that Steve Jobs was available online for everyone, he had had three email addresses he checked personally, and everyone could find them without any effort? How would you explain such a behavior of a man not less busy than our lucky ones?
You might ask about the competition, how these lucky ones would resist the pressure of other market competitors. A very relevant question, but most of other competitors are the same lucky ones or not so much different from them. While trying to analyze human history author have noticed one consistent pattern - the qualitative leaps in global policy, science and technological progress had been made by absolutely random people who simply happened to be in the right place in the right time for to get big money and/or influence. For example, the discovery of America, the breakout in mechanical engineering, Russian Socialist revolution, computer boom, etc.
So, our lucky ones join the company of other lucky ones, naturally being welcomed.
True genius such as Steve Jobs looks like a black sheep in their community. Its members do not welcome him, since they would look mediocre compared to him, exactly as they have to look.
The lucky ones usually act as if they hit the big jackpot i.e. keep a low profile. But not all lucky ones act equally. Here and there one of them could suddenly decide he is a true genius, and then the most interesting stuff begins. These geniuses of place and time know how to push their interest with the aid of money, they have littering the world with their raw and unfinished programs.
Trying to analyze time between those qualitative leaps, author mentioned earlier, he noted no one except stock exchange speculators was able to create big profits. Why so? After all, among 4.5 billion populations there could be found ten people, who are ingeniously capable, and they have everything to build big profit company anywhere. Simple: our lucky ones have created a wall for protection against such people, the main reason - they cannot compete with them. It was a miracle that Steve Jobs was able to burst through this wall.
In mechanical engineering processes differ from electronics. But the same lucky ones hold their jobs. Let us think for a minute and try to answer one question: who is suitable to manage a machine-building company? Not "who can", but who is appropriate to manage? The only option author could think have been “a machine builder”. Yet, it turned out not true. Author has checked a lot of prominent machine-building companies, including a giant such as General Electric. These companies have been run by economists, as well as their sub-divisions and the boards of directors. Economists do not understand machinebuilding technology. As if a security guard would be managing a surgical department of hospital. No offense to security guards and economists - they know and understand their job perfectly.
It is essentially to comprehend why engineers were replaced by economists. Once engineers-CEOs had decided that their primary goals were development of manufacture, improvement of quality and reducing of prime cost. Now economists-CEOs have decided that their primary goals were marketing and sales.
And what about the quality of production? “What is a problem?”, - they may ask. Machine building companies have forgotten about their mission to develop, to care about quality and low prime cost, development of industrial management. These goals became of secondary importance - there are sales now at the forefront.
Technological level of today’s companies is nearly similar, their production is nearly similar, the market is divided, no more real competition. Each company has its own niche, so no input to develop new and improve existing production. That is why CEO positions pass from the engineers to the economists. Stagnation and cessation of production development bring to the top of the market unexpected new participants. Consequences of this moving may threaten of total collapse of the economy.
That's it, no one wants a billion. Lucky ones do not need to work hard because they already have all they wish for. CEOs do not need to develop anything; everything has been developed for them already. Why would they think about it?
Maybe you would like to be engaged in development, but you are in your place, and they are still holding their jobs. So there's nothing to talk about. Guys, do you know who wants a billion dollar?