Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0138

Research Article - (2016) Volume 5, Issue 1

Fulvi-H as Possible Treatment for Viral Diseases

Juan M Navarrete*, Omar Y Morales, María I Gracia and Miguel A Zúñiga
Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, National University of Mexico, Mexico, E-mail: jmnat33@unam.mx
*Corresponding Author: Juan M Navarrete, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, Bldg. D, National University of Mexico, CU, UNAM, Mexico City, ZC 04510, Mexico, Tel: +52 55 5622 5232 Email:


Fulvi-H is Fulvic acid produced and sold in Mexico, firstly as soil fertilizer and secondly as animal dietary supplement. Now, after high purification from heavy metals and bacterial organisms, it has been authorized as human dietary supplement, in view of empirical excellent results in all fields, as well as experimental results obtained with mice and rats, which showed much better filtration of electrolytes through liver from digestive pipe to blood serum (32PO43-, 45Ca2+, 59Fe3+, 131I1-) followed by promotion of antibodies in their immune system (IgG, IgT). This paper summarizes all these results and proposes Fulvi-H at higher doses as a valuable complement in addition to treatment of human viral diseases, such as Herpes Zoster, Hepatitis C and AIDS. Therefore, next step should be a medical protocol, to test the facts proved in laboratory animals.


Keywords: Fulvic acid; Dietary supplement; Vertebrates; Viral diseases


Fulvi H has been authorized to be sold in Mexico as human dietary supplement, in view of proved benefits obtained when it is used as soil fertilizer and consequent production of better crops, as well as promotion of higher filtration of electrolytes through liver from digestive track to blood serum, which seems to stimulate also the production of antibodies (IgG and IgT) in mice and rats [1-3]. This last result is now of great interest, when some extremely grave viral infections such as AIDS and more recently Ebola became an international health problem. However, Fulvi-H as human dietary supplement, presented in one saturated solution (650 g/l) and prescribed one soup spoon per day, seems to be far from being a medical product against viral infections, in spite of its beneficial effects, since the extrapolation from mice and rats to human beings reaches excessive doses. This paper ponders the results obtained at present and proposes one dose to apply in a medical protocol.


The Fulvi-H common effect on vegetables and vertebrates seems to be better absorption of electrolytes from soil to vegetables and from water for vertebrates, which has been proved by using radioactive labelled ions such as 32PO43-, 45Ca2+, 131I- and 59Fe3+ [1-5]. In the case of vertebrates, it seems that a second and most important effect is the promotion of antibodies IgG and IgT, which has been proved by using Elisa method for IgG and a light refractometer for IgT in blood samples from mice and rats [6,7]. These results have led to use a purified version of Fulvi-H as human dietary supplement, whose empirical results have been proved as quite satisfactory: fortifying, apparent resistance to colds and definite effect by topical use on dermatological symptoms of herpes Zoster. The prescribed dose till now has been daily 7-10 g since the side effect is slight diarrhoea.


Tables 1 and 2 show results of increasing IgG and IgT in mice and rats, when these animals were fed with average daily doses equal to 67.5 mg of Fulvi-H per mouse, 35 g. average weight, and 675 mg of Fulvi-H per rat, 350 g. average weight, during 2 months. Tables 3 and 4 show results of decreasing weight in these animals during same period, probably due to Fulvi-H slight laxative effect [6,7].

  Without FA With FA
Mice IgG (mg/mL) IgG (mg/mL)
1 8.29 18.280
2 11.215 41.919
3 7.593 30.131
4 15.223 17.419
5 2.528 12.381
  2.63 15.955
7 4.072 27.439
8 3.457 37.187
9 2.590 39.531
Average (image) 6.4 ± 3.5 26.6 ± 8.
Std. Dev. (σ) 4.524 11.158

Increment IgG= (26.6-6.4) × 100/6.4=315%

Table 1: Variation of IgG+FH in mice.

  Without FA With FA
Mice IgT (mg/mL) IgT (mg/mL)
1 58 66
2 62 68
3 48 66
4 62 76
5 54 65
6 60 76
7 70 72
8 72 70
9 61 68
Average (image) 60.75±6.56 69.66±3.21
Std. Dev. (σ) 7.851 4.183

Increment IgT= (69.66-60.75) × 100/60.75=14%

Table 2: Variation of IgT+FH in mice.

  Without FA   With FA
  IgT (mg/mL)   IgT (mg/mL)
Rats Initial Final Rats Initial Final
1 66 68 11 70 70
2 70 69 12 65 70
3 66 63 13 68 68
4 64 67 14 62 70
5 60 64 15 68 68
6 64 66 16 60 69
7 66 70 17 62 72
8 68 70 18 64 72
9 70 68 19 62 71
10 66 70 20 62 70
Average (image) 66 ± 2.13 67.5 ± 1.79 Average (image) 64.3 ± 2.38 70 ± 1.01
Std. Dev. (σ) 2.98 2.50 Std. Dev. (σ) 3.33 1.41

No FH: (67.5-66) × 100/66=2.3% +FH: (70-64.3) × 100/64.3=8.86%

Table 3: Variation of IgT in rats (no FH and +FH).

  Without FA   With FA
  Weight (g)   Weight (g)
Rats Initial Final Rats Initial Final
1 303 400 11 311 400
2 324 409 12 305 396
3 310 424 13 305 411
4 307 396 14 302 377
5 301 409 15 315 382
6 312 468 16 312 414
7 280 396 17 311 379
8 316 463 18 302 405
9 323 416 19 303 379
10 325 431 20 313 374
Average (image) 309.9 ± 9.58 421.2 ± 18.6 Average (image) 307.9 ± 3.56 391.7 ± 10.87
Std. Dev. (σ) 13.39 26 Std. Dev. (σ) 4.97 15.2

No FH: (421.2-309.9) × 100/309.9=35.91% +FH: (391.7-307.9) × 100/307.9=27.21% Weight decreasing=35.91–27.21=8.7%

Table 4: Variation of weight in rats (no FH and +FH).


These results allow to think that much higher doses to man might be an adequate treatment for epidemic viral infections as fearful as AIDS, hepatitis C and recent Ebola. By considering a simple weight proportion between mice and rats to man, an established medical protocol might start with 20 ml saturated solution of Fulvi H daily ingestion as a minimal dose (13.5 g/day), which might be increased according clinical analysis results till 200 ml of saturated solution as a maximal dose (135 g/day).


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  3. Navarrete JM, Müller G, Martínez T, Cabrera L, Gracia I, et al. (2006) J Phys 56 (Supp. D) 695.
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  5. Morales OY, Navarrete JM, Gracia I, Macías. L, Rivera M,et al. (2011) Effect of fulvicacids on the electrolytes physiology in vertebrates. Nuclear Instruments and Methodsin Physics Research A 652: 838-840.
  6. Morales OY, Navarrete JM, Gracia I, Macías L, Rivera M, et al. (2012) Bentham Open, The Open Conference Proceedings Journal 3: 24.
  7. Morales OY, Navarrete JM, Gracia I, Macías L, Rivera M, et al. (2014) Fulvicacids, fertilizers first and then stimulants of vital functions in vertebrates. J Radioanal Chem 299: 839-841.
Citation: Navarrete JM, Morales OY, Gracia MI, Zúñiga MA (2016) Fulvi-H as Possible Treatment for Viral Diseases. Drug Des 5:125.

Copyright: © 2016 Navarrete JM, et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.