Journal of Geology & Geophysics

Journal of Geology & Geophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2381-8719

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Editorial - (2012) Volume 1, Issue 1

Editorial: Applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) in Geosciences

Pinliang Dong*
Department of Geography, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle, Denton, TX 76203, USA
*Corresponding Author: Pinliang Dong, Department of Geography, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle, Denton, TX 76203, USA, Tel: 940-565-2377, Fax: 940-369-7550 Email:

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR, or laser altimetry) is an optical remote sensing technology that uses laser pulses from groundbased, airborne, or space borne platforms to measure the distances to objects. LiDAR has been extensively used for atmospheric research and mapping land surface features including topography, vegetation, and the built-up environment. This editorial provides a brief summary of the applications of airborne discrete-return LiDAR in geosciences.

Airborne discrete-return LiDAR can acquire (x, y, z) coordinates of ground objects with sub-meter level accuracy for generating highresolution Digital Elevation Models (DEM). The major applications of discrete-return LiDAR in geosciences can be summarized in the following six fields. (1) Changes in geomorphic surfaces, including a) fundamental topographic signatures such as the formation of evenly spaced ridges and valleys [1]; b) alluvial fan formative processes and debris flow deposits [2,3]; c) volumetric changes of costal dunes and beach erosion [4,5]; d) changes in glaciers/ice sheets and glacial sediment redistribution [6,7]; and e) lava flow dynamics and rheology [8-10]. (2) Surface hydrology and flood models [11-15]. (3) Tectonic geomorphology [16-20]. (4) Lithological mapping [21,22]. (5) Rock mass structural analysis [23-25]. (6) Natural hazards, such as landslides, debris flows, and earthquake damage [26-31].

Data accessibility is a key issue for facilitating the wide application of LiDAR data in geosciences. Compared with other remote sensing technologies, LiDAR data acquisition is still relatively expensive, especially in the developing world. However, new facilities and tools are being developed to meet the needs of the scientific communities. For example, the National Science Foundation (NSF) Open Topography Facility ( is a portal to high-resolution LiDAR data and processing tools. A virtual globe (Crusta) was introduced for virtual geologic investigation based on high-resolution (sub-meter) topography data (including LiDAR) and other data on Earth [32]. It is expected that new exciting applications of LiDAR in geosciences will be reported in the near future.


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  2. Staley DM, Wasklewicz TA, Blaszczynski JS (2006) Surficial patterns of debris flow deposition on alluvial fans in Death Valley, CA using airborne laser swath mapping data. Geomorphology 74: 152-163.
  3. Volker HX, Wasklewicz TA, Ellis MA (2007) A topographic fingerprint to distinguish alluvial fan formative processes. Geomorphology 88: 34-45.
  4. Woolard JW, Colby JD (2002) Spatial characterization, resolution, and volumetric change of coastal dunes using airborne LiDAR: Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. Geomorphology 48: 269-287.
  5. Richter A, Faust D, Mass H-G (2011) Dune cliff erosion and beach width change at the northern and southern spits of Sylt detected with multi-temporal LiDAR. CATENA.
  6. Krabill WB, Thomas RH, Martin CF, Swift RN, Frederick EB (1995) Accuracy of airborne laser altimetry of the Greenland ice sheet. Int J Remote Sens 16: 1211-1222.
  7. Irvine-Fynn TDL, Barrand NE, Porter PR, Hodson AJ, Murray T (2011) Recent High-Arctic glacial sediment redistribution: A process perspective using airborne lidar. Geomorphology 125: 27-39.
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  9. Tarquini S, Favalli M, Mazzarini F, Isola I, Fornaciai A (2012) Morphometric analysis of lava flow units: Case study over LIDAR-derived topography at Mount Etna, Italy. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 236: 11-22.
  10. Jessop DE, Kelfoun K, Labazuy P, Mangeney A, Roche O, et al. (2012) LiDAR derived morphology of the 1993 Lascar pyroclastic flow deposits, and implication for flow dynamics and rheology. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 245-246: 81-97.
  11. Cavalli M, Tarolli P, Marchi L, Fontana GD (2008) The effectiveness of airborne LiDAR data in the recognition of channel-bed morphology. CATENA 73: 249-260.
  12. Jones KL, Poole GC, O'Daniel SJ, Mertes LAK, Stanford JA (2008) Surface hydrology of low-relief landscapes: Assessing surface water flow impedance using LIDAR-derived digital elevation models. Remote Sens Environ 112: 4148-4158.
  13. Vianello A, Cavalli M, Tarolli P (2009) LiDAR-derived slopes for headwater channel network analysis. CATENA 76: 97-106.
  14. Fewtrell TJ, Duncan A, Sampson CC, Neal JC, Bates PD (2011) Benchmarking urban flood models of varying complexity and scale using high resolution terrestrial LiDAR data. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 36: 281-291.
  15. Sampson CC, Fewtrell TJ, Duncan A, Shaad K, Horritt MS, et al. (2012) Use of terrestrial laser scanning data to drive decimetric resolution urban inundation models. Adv Water Resour 41: 1-17.
  16. Cunningham D, Grebby S, Tansey K, Gosar A, Kastelic V (2006) Application of airborne LiDAR to mapping seismogenic faults in forested mountainous terrain, southeastern Alps, Slovenia, Geophys Res Lett 33: L20308.
  17. Kondo H, Toda S, Okumura K, Takada K, Chiba T (2008) A fault scarp in an urban area identified by LiDAR survey: A Case study on the Itoigawa–Shizuoka Tectonic Line, central Japan. Geomorphology 101: 731-739.
  18. Arrowsmith JR, Zielke O (2009) Tectonic geomorphology of the San Andreas Fault zone from high resolution topography: An example from the Cholame segment. Geomorphology 113: 70-81.
  19. Begg JG, Mouslopoulou V (2010) Analysis of late Holocene faulting within an active rift using lidar, Taupo Rift, New Zealand. J Volcanol Geotherm Res 190: 152-167.
  20. Howle JF, Bawden GW, Schweickert RA, Finkel RC, Hunter LE, et al. (2012) Airborne LiDAR analysis and geochronology of faulted glacial moraines in the Tahoe-Sierra frontal fault zone reveal substantial seismic hazards in the Lake Tahoe region, California-Nevada, USA. Geol Soc Am Bull 124: 1087-1101.
  21. Grebby S, Cunningham D, Naden J, Tansey K (2010) Lithological mapping of the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus, using airborne LiDAR topographic data. Remote Sens Environ 114: 713-724.
  22. Grebby S, Naden J, Cunningham D, Tansey K (2011) Integrating airborne multispectral imagery and airborne LiDAR data for enhanced lithological mapping in vegetated terrain. Remote Sens Environ 115: 214-226.
  23. Gigli G, Casagli N (2011) Semi-automatic extraction of rock mass structural data from high resolution LIDAR point clouds. Int J Rock Mech Min 48: 187-198.
  24. Lato M, Kemeny J, Harrap RM, Bevan G (2012) Rock Bench: Establishing a common repository and standards for assessing rockmass characteristics using LiDAR and photogrammetry. Comput Geosci.
  25. Lato MJ, Vöge M (2012) Automated mapping of rock discontinuities in 3D lidar and photogrammetry models. Int J Rock Mech Min 54: 150-158.
  26. Glenn NF, Streutker DR, Chadwick DJ, Thackray GD, Dorsch SJ (2006) Analysis of LiDAR-derived topographic information for characterizing and differentiating landslide morphology and activity. Geomorphology 73: 131-148.
  27. Schulz WH (2007) Landslide susceptibility revealed by LIDAR imagery and historical records, Seattle, Washington. Engineering Geology 89: 67-87.
  28. Bull JM, Miller H, Gravley DM, Costello D, Hikuroa DCH, et al. (2010) Assessing debris flows using LIDAR differencing: 18 May 2005 Matata event, New Zealand. Geomorphology 124: 75-84.
  29. Lan H, Martin CD, Zhou C, Lim CH (2010) Rockfall hazard analysis using LiDAR and spatial modeling. Geomorphology 118: 213-223.
  30. Dong P, Guo HD (2012) A framework for automated assessment of post-earthquake building damage using geospatial data. Int J Remote Sens 33: 81-100.
  31. Liu W, Dong P, Liu JB, Guo HD (2012) Evaluation of three-dimensional shape signatures for automated assessment of post-earthquake building damage. Earthquake Spectra.
  32. Bernardin T, Cowgill E, Kreylos O, Bowles C, Gold P, et al. (2011) Crusta: A new virtual globe for real-time visualization of sub-meter digital topography at planetary scales. Comput Geosci 37: 75-85.
Citation: Dong P (2012) Editorial: Applications of Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) in Geosciences. J Geol Geosci 1:e102.

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