Drug Designing: Open Access

Drug Designing: Open Access
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ISSN: 2169-0138

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Editorial - (2020)

Brief Introduction to Biomolecular Drug Targets

Erick Baldwin*
*Correspondence: Erick Baldwin, Centre for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, George Mason University, Virginia, USA, Email:

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The presentation of genomics, proteomics and metabolomics has made ready for science driven cycle, prompting plenty of drug targets. The rundown of potential drug targets encoded in a genome incorporates most characteristic decision of harmful qualities and species-explicit qualities. Different choices incorporate targeting RNA, catalysts of the middle person digestion, frameworks for DNA replication, interpretation device or fix and layer proteins.

Genes As Drug Targets

Similar examination of the total genome arrangements of bacterial microorganisms accessible in the public information bases offers the initial experiences into drug disclosure approaches of the not so distant future. A fascinating way to deal with the expectation of potential drug targets assigned as the differential genome show has been proposed by Bork and collaborators. This methodology depends on the way that genome of parasitic microorganisms are for the most part a lot more modest and code for less proteins than the genomes of free-living creatures [1].

Nucleic Acids As Drug Targets

Nucleic acids are the storehouse of hereditary information. DNA itself has been demonstrated to be the receptor for some, drugs utilized in malignancy and different infections. These work through an assortment of components including substance change and cross connecting of DNA (cisplatin) or cleavage of the DNA (bleomycin). Much work either by intercalation of a polyaromatic ring framework into the twofold abandoned helix (actinomycin D, ethidium) or by authoritative to the major and minor furrows of DNA (e.g., netropsin) [2].

RNA As Drug Target

Late advances in the assurance of RNA structure and capacity have prompted new open doors that will significantly affect the drug business. RNA, which, among different capacities, fills in as a courier among DNA and proteins, was believed to be a totally adaptable particle without critical underlying intricacy. Nonetheless, late investigations have uncovered an astonishing multifaceted nature in RNA structure. This perception opens open doors for the drug business to target RNA with little particles.

RNA is upstream of all science and presents an immense range of restoratively alluring targets. Most remedial specialists that quandary straightforwardly to RNA is either anti-toxins obstructing bacterial ribosome work or oligonucleotides with their chaperon drug restrictions [3].

Membranes as Drug Targets

Membranes are critical primary components, both in characterizing the limits of a cell just as giving inside compartments inside the cell related with specific capacities. Cell membranes themselves can likewise go about as targets for atomic acknowledgment.

Many general sedatives are accepted to work by their actual impacts when broken down in membranes. A few classes of anti-infection agents like gramicidin A, antifungals like alamethicin and poisons, for example, mellitin found in honey bee toxins effect sly affect planar lipid bilayers, causing transmembrane pores [4].

Protiens as Drug Targets

Proteins keep on expecting huge consideration from the drug and biotechnology enterprises as an important wellspring of potential drug targets. Proteins give the basic connection among qualities and sickness, and as such are the way in to the comprehension of fundamental organic cycles including illness pathology, conclusion, and therapy [5].


In this way, it very well may be said that drug and biotechnology research has gone through extraordinary change. Customarily, the pivotal stalemate in the business' quest for new drug targets was the accessibility of organic information. Presently with the coming of human genomic succession, bioinformatics offers a few methodologies for the forecast of structure and capacity of proteins based on arrangement and underlying likenesses.


  1. Singh S, Malik BK, Sharma DK. Molecular drug targets and structure based drug design: A holistic approach. Bioinformation. 2006;1(8):314-320.
  2. Blundell T, Sibanda BL, Pearl L. Three-dimensional structure, specificity and catalytic mechanism of renin. Nature. 1983;304(5923):273-275.
  3. Campbell SF. Science, art and drug discovery: a personal perspective. Clinical science. 2000;99(4):255-260.
  4. Lapatto R, Blundell T, Hemmings A, Overington J. X-ray analysis of HIV-1 proteinase at 2.7 Å resolution confirms structural homology among retroviral enzymes. Nature. 1989;342(6247):299-302.
  5. Varghese JN. Development of neuraminidase inhibitors as anti‐influenza virus drugs. Drug dev res. 1999;46(4):176-196.

Author Info

Erick Baldwin*
Centre for Applied Proteomics and Molecular Medicine, George Mason University, Virginia, USA

Citation: Baldwin E (2020) Brief Introduction to Biomolecular Drug Targets. Drug Des. S6.e002.

Received: 04-Dec-2020 Accepted: 18-Dec-2020 Published: 28-Dec-2020 , DOI: 10.35248/2169-0138.20.S6.e002

Copyright: © 2020 Baldwin E. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
