Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932

Gynecology & Obstetrics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Gynecology & Obstetrics has got h-index 19, which means every article in Gynecology & Obstetrics has got 19 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Gynecology & Obstetrics.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

53 62 20 36 51

Year wise citations received

189 215 172 166 123
Journal total citations count 1506
Journal cite score 3.71
Journal h-index 19
Journal h-index since 2018 16
Important citations (1000)

savage ar, hoho l (2016) knowledge of pre-eclampsia in women living in makole ward, dodoma, tanzania. african health sciences 16: 412-419.

rademacher aj (2016) deskriptive verlaufsanalyse der wachstumsfaktoren vascular endothelial growth factor a (vegf a) und vascular endothelial growth factor 165b (vegf 165b) bei brustkrebspatientinnen unter berücksichtigung ihrer wertigkeit als prognosefaktoren (doctoral dissertation, lmu).

rohdewald pj (2015) update on the clinical pharmacology of pycnogenol (r). medical research archives 11.

deverakonda a (2016) psychiatry and behavioural sciences. research & reviews: journal of pharmacology and toxicological studies 4: 171-177.

sreedevi a, javed r, dinesh a (2015) epidemiology of cervical cancer with special focus on india. international journal of women's health 7: 405.

ajayi ai, nwokocha ee, akpan w, adeniyi ov (2016) use of non-emergency contraceptive pills and concoctions as emergency contraception among nigerian university students: results of a qualitative study. bmc public health 16: 1046.

isa b, ibrahim sm, kullima aa, bako b (2016) awareness and utilization of emergency contraception among female undergraduates in a nigerian university. tropical journal of obstetrics and gynaecology 33: 196.

borg h, ezat s (2016) metformin opposed to insulin in the management of gestational diabetes. research in obstetrics and gynecology 4: 17-26.

bano k, naseeb s, bhutta sz (2015) comparing effectiveness of metformin versus insulin in gestational diabetes mellitus. pak j surg 31: 260-264.

ainuddin ja, karim n, zaheer s, ali ss, hasan aa (2015) metformin treatment in type 2 diabetes in pregnancy: an active controlled, parallel-group, randomized, open label study in patients with type 2 diabetes in pregnancy. journal of diabetes research 2015.

Lopez-yarto, m. (2018). pain management in-office hysteroscopy in postmenopausal women. in hysteroscopy (pp. 123-130). springer, cham.

ida m, nurrahima a (2016) gambaran praktik personal hygiene genitalia pada anak laki-laki usia sekolah di mi husnul khatimah rowosari semarang (doctoral dissertation, diponegoro universsity).

nabila i (2015) manfaat pemakaian pembalut herbal untuk mencegah infeksi saluran kemih (evaluasi pada mahasiswi kedokteran yang belum menikah.

sut hk (2016) 18-49 yaÅŸ arası kadınlarda genital hijyen davranışları Ä°le genital enfeksiyon arasındaki Ä°liÅŸkinin Ä°ncelenmesi. düzce üniversitesi saÄŸlık bilimleri enstitüsü dergisi 6: 8-13.

vyas s, sharma p, srivastava k, nautiyal v, shrotriya vp (2015) role of behavioural risk factors in symptoms related to uti among nursing students. journal of clinical and diagnostic research: jcdr 9: lc15.

kirubel e (2015) prevalence and genotype distribution of high risk human papilloma virus and cervical cytology abnormalities at selected obstetrics and gynecology clinics, in addis ababa, ethiopia (doctoral dissertation, aau).

omoare aa, ashaka os, nasir ia, agbede oo (2016) the burden of human papillomavirus infections among women in nigeria: a review update. journal of applied virology 5: 9-20.

abdulrahman s, popoola so, yusuf i (2015) nigerian journal of mathematics and applications j math appl 24: 237-251.

dodorico lg, garcía md, sanz má, torres ro, aragón vc (2015) melanoma maligno primario en vagina. progresos de obstetricia y ginecología 58: 275-278.

agarwal p, kaushal m (2016) cytology of primary vaginal melanoma: an unusual report on fine needle aspiration. diagnostic cytopathology.
