Journal of Geology & Geophysics

Journal of Geology & Geophysics
Open Access

ISSN: 2381-8719

Journal of Geology & Geophysics : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Geology & Geophysics have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Geology & Geophysics has got h-index 10, which means every article in Journal of Geology & Geophysics has got 10 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Geology & Geophysics.

  2022 2021 2020 2019 2018

Year wise published articles

60 65 20 19 34

Year wise citations received

108 260 200 135 79
Journal total citations count 493
Journal impact factor 1.87
Journal 5 years impact factor 1.90
Journal cite score 1.85
Journal h-index 10
Journal h-index since 2018 10
Important citations (443)

boori ms, choudhary k, kupriyanov a (2015) city susceptibility and sustainable development in southeast asia. journal of earth science & climatic change 6: 1.

boori ms, choudhary k (2015) remote sensing for vegetation and climate change. j geophys remote sensing 4: e111.

boori ms (2014) earth science & climatic change.

boori ms, vozenilek v, balzter h (2014) satellite datasets and there scaling factor for land surface temperature. j geol geosci 3:01-2.

wang b, bauer s (2016) converting heterogeneous complex geological models to consistent finite element models: methods, development, and application to deep geothermal reservoir operation. environmental earth sciences 75: 1349.

delfs jo, nordbeck j, bauer s (2016) upward brine migration resulting from pressure increases in a layered subsurface system. environmental earth sciences 75: 1441.

kabuth a, dahmke a, beyer c, bilke l, dethlefsen f, et al. (2017) energy storage in the geological subsurface: dimensioning, risk analysis and spatial planning: the angus+ project. environmental earth sciences 76: 23.

wagner fm, bergmann p, rücker c, wiese b, labitzke t, et al. (2015) impact and mitigation of borehole related effects in permanent crosshole resistivity imaging: an example from the ketzin co 2 storage site. journal of applied geophysics 123: 102-111.

biswas roy m, bose a, roy pk, mazumdar a (2015) weather aberration and its impact on agriculture of habra block, north 24 pgs, west bengal. history 1: 83-97.

ayele hs, li mh, tung cp, liu tm (2016) impact of climate change on runoff in the gilgel abbay watershed, the upper blue nile basin, ethiopia. water 8: 380.

barnes j (2017) the future of the nile: climate change, land use, infrastructure management, and treaty negotiations in a transboundary river basin. wiley interdisciplinary reviews: climate change 8.

ayele hs, li mh, tung cp (2016) assessing climate change impact on gilgel abbay and gumara watershed hydrology, the upper blue nile basin, ethiopia. terrestrial, atmospheric & oceanic sciences 27.

basheer ak, ali ab, abdelgader am (2016) impacts of climate change under cmip5 rcp scenarios on the streamflow in the dinder river and ecosystem habitats in dinder national park, sudan. hydrology and earth system sciences 20: 1331.

taye mt, willems p, block p (2015) implications of climate change on hydrological extremes in the blue nile basin: a review. journal of hydrology: regional studies 4: 280-293.

sisay k, thurnher c, hasenauer h (2016) daily climate data for the amhara region in northwestern ethiopia. international journal of climatology.

boori ms, choudhary k, kovelskiy v (2015) kuala lumpur city growth study through remote sensing and gis. j remote sensing & gis 4: e112. doi: 10.4172/jrsg. 100 0e112 page 2 of 3 volume 4• issue 2• 1000e112 j remote sensing & gis issn: jrsg, an open access journal figure 1: study area and multi-buffer ring zones around city center of kuala lumpur for 1989, 2001 and 2014 map. j remote sensing & gis 2: e112.

boori ms, choudhary k, kupriyanov a (2015) city susceptibility and sustainable development in southeast asia. journal of earth science & climatic change 6: 1.

boori ms, choudhary k (2015) remote sensing for vegetation and climate change. j geophys remote sensing. 4: e111.

basheer ak, ali ab, abdelgader am (2016) impacts of climate change under cmip5 rcp scenarios on the streamflow in the dinder river and ecosystem habitats in dinder national park, sudan. hydrology and earth system sciences 20: 1331.

lemann t, roth v, zeleke g (2017) impact of precipitation and temperature changes on hydrological responses of small-scale catchments in the ethiopian highlands. hydrological sciences journal 62: 270-82.
