Emergency Medicine: Open Access

Emergency Medicine: Open Access
Open Access

ISSN: 2165-7548

+44 1223 790975

Emergency Medicine: Open Access : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Emergency Medicine: Open Access have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Emergency Medicine: Open Access has got h-index 12, which means every article in Emergency Medicine: Open Access has got 12 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Emergency Medicine: Open Access.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

20 8 10 26 16 56

Year wise citations received

87 91 67 56 35 54
Journal total citations count 615
Journal impact factor 1.96
Journal 5 years impact factor 2.9
Journal cite score 4.73
Journal h-index 12
Journal h-index since 2018 11
Important citations (486)

Soleimanpour, hassan, changiz gholipouri, samad ej golzari, farzad rahmani, majid sabahi, and allan r. mottram. "capnography in the emergency department." emergency med 2, no. 09 (2012).

Soleimanpour, hassan, changiz gholipouri, samad ej golzari, farzad rahmani, majid sabahi, and allan r. mottram. "capnography in the emergency department." emergency med 2, no. 09 (2012).

Efrimescu, c. i., d. barton, and d. mulvin. "spontaneous nontraumatic upper urinary tract rupture in pregnancy: case report and literature review." emergency medicine 3 (2013).

Efrimescu, c. i., d. barton, and d. mulvin. "spontaneous nontraumatic upper urinary tract rupture in pregnancy: case report and literature review." emergency medicine 3 (2013).

Efrimescu, c. i., d. barton, and d. mulvin. "spontaneous nontraumatic upper urinary tract rupture in pregnancy: case report and literature review." emergency medicine 3 (2013).


Angoules, a. g., and e. c. boutsikari. "traumatic hyoid bone fractures: rare but potentially life threatening injuries." emergency med 3, no. 1 (2013): 1000e128.

Angoules, a. g., and e. c. boutsikari. "traumatic hyoid bone fractures: rare but potentially life threatening injuries." emergency med 3, no. 1 (2013): 1000e128.

Angoules, a. g., and e. c. boutsikari. "traumatic hyoid bone fractures: rare but potentially life threatening injuries." emergency med 3, no. 1 (2013): 1000e128.

Kibirige, davis. "superior vena cava syndrome as the preliminary manifestation of hodgkin’s lymphoma in a 31 year old female patient: a case report." emergency med 3, no. 136 (2013): 2.

Moore, p. c., huang, c., rodriguez, a., wiebe, r., & siegel, j. (2013). presenting signs and symptoms of rapidly progressing severe pneumonia in the pediatric emergency department. emergency med, 3(2), 2-4.

Moore, p. c., huang, c., rodriguez, a., wiebe, r., & siegel, j. (2013). presenting signs and symptoms of rapidly progressing severe pneumonia in the pediatric emergency department. emergency med, 3(2), 2-4.

Tabish, s. a., r. a. wani, m. ahmad, n. thakur, and g. h. yatoo. "profile and outcome of violence related injuries of patients during civilian unrest in a conflict zone." emergency med 3, no. 141 (2013): 2.

Tabish, s. a., r. a. wani, m. ahmad, n. thakur, and g. h. yatoo. "profile and outcome of violence related injuries of patients during civilian unrest in a conflict zone." emergency med 3, no. 141 (2013): 2.

Tabish, s. a., r. a. wani, m. ahmad, n. thakur, and g. h. yatoo. "profile and outcome of violence related injuries of patients during civilian unrest in a conflict zone." emergency med 3, no. 141 (2013): 2.

Schmitz, g., h. goode, l. hess, k. king, and m. sparkman. "use of nitrous oxide in the emergency department: a review of the literature." emerg med 3 (2013): e131.

Sciarretta, j. d., a. pepe, and l. dickson. "penetrating subclavian vessel injury: diagnosis and treatment." emergency medicine open access 3 (2013): 143.

Sciarretta, j. d., a. pepe, and l. dickson. "penetrating subclavian vessel injury: diagnosis and treatment." emergency medicine open access 3 (2013): 143.

Raza, m. z., et al. "title of the study: a retrospective analysis of the pattern and severity of injuries in victims of road traffic accidents in karachi, pakistan during 2010-2011." emergency med 3.144 (2013): 2.

Raza, m. z., et al. "title of the study: a retrospective analysis of the pattern and severity of injuries in victims of road traffic accidents in karachi, pakistan during 2010-2011." emergency med 3.144 (2013): 2.
