Journal of Depression and Anxiety

Journal of Depression and Anxiety
Open Access

ISSN: 2167-1044

Journal of Depression and Anxiety : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Depression and Anxiety have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Depression and Anxiety has got h-index 23, which means every article in Journal of Depression and Anxiety has got 23 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Depression and Anxiety.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016

Year wise published articles

60 40 25 29 51 64

Year wise citations received

406 400 274 270 188 170
Journal total citations count 2121
Journal impact factor 5.92
Journal 5 years impact factor 6.92
Journal cite score 7.46
Journal h-index 23
Journal h-index since 2018 19
Important citations (905)

nirwana n, mappapoleonro am, chairunnisa c (2018) the effect of gadget toward early childhood speaking ability. indonesian jof early childhood education studies 7(2):85-90.

singh a (2019) impact of electronic gadgets on sleep spindle and memory in paediatric population. sleep and vigilance :1-2.

anggraini v (2019) stimulation of ability to speak mother language by using gadget. inpadang international conference on educational management and administration (picema 2018) atlantis press.

hendriati a, okvitawanli a (2019) challenges of parenting in an urban setting. psychological research on urban society 2(1):36-43.

sulistyaningtyas re, fauziah py (2019) the implementation of traditional games for early childhood education. in3rd international conference on current issues in education (iccie 2018) atlantis press

kusuma jf, sahede i, sunaryo at, fahmi az, nurtjahjo fe. smartphone addiction and life satisfaction among college students.

citrayomie ag, zubair a, gusfa h (2019) mother green therapeutic communication patterns in the case of gawai overcoming addiction. infirst international conference on administration science (icas 2019). atlantis press.

al‐rawashdeh bm, saleh my, mustafa rb, alkhoujah mf, elkhatib ah, alsghaireen h, hubaishy lz (2019) prevalence of depression and anxiety among otolaryngology outpatients at jordan university hospital. perspectives in psychiatric care 55(3):383-95

albrecht j, buday j, mareš t, kališová l, raboch j, anders m (2019) lowering the seizure threshold in electroconvulsive therapy using transcranial magnetic stimulation: a case report. brain stimulation 12(3):781-4.

mankiewicz pd (2019) increasing subjective wellbeing with strengths-based cognitive behavioural psychotherapy in first episode psychosis. int j happiness develop. 5(3):183-200.

benjamin ab, dooley tp (2019) anxiolytic benefits of compounded atenolol–scopolamine in eight patients in psychiatry. personalized medicine in psychiatry.

dkhar sa (2018) self-esteem and depression in burn afflicted women: a comment on rubab et al.’s study. j depress anxiety 7(311):2167-1044.

ramu k (2018) a descriptive study to assess the selected psychosocial problems among street children in foster homes at tumkur, karnataka, india. j nurs health stud 3(3):10.

savarkar dt, das s. current research jof social sciences.

savarkar dt, das s. current research j of social sciences.

alaca n (2019) the impacts of internet addiction on depression, physical activity level and trigger point sensitivity in turkish university students. jof back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation 1-8.

kearns a, whitley e (2019) associations of internet access with social integration, wellbeing and physical activity among adults in deprived communities: evidence from a household survey. bmc public health 19(1):860.

moore lj, freeman p, hase a, solomon-moore e, arnold r (2019) how consistent are challenge and threat evaluations? a generalizability analysis. frontiers in psychology 10.

hase a. challenge and threat states: an examination of variance components, interventions, and performance (doctoral dissertation, university of essex).

uphill ma, rossato c, swain j, o'driscoll jm (2019) challenge and threat: a critical review of the literature and an alternative conceptualisation. frontiers in psychology 10:1255.
