Tsamantouridis K

Department of Economics, University of Thessaly, Greece

  • Research Article   
    The Impact of Public Servants Recovery on Public Organizations’ Reputation: A Double Source Examination
    Author(s): Tsamantouridis K*, Tsameti A, Bellou V and Andronikidis A

    Currently, employees are required to deal with changes and difficulties both throughout their occupation as a whole, and during their workday. Thus, resource loss could be evident, which could provoke irreversible results both in employees’ emotional performance, and organizations’ image and reputation. Employee recovery then is viewed as critical for switching back to a pre-stressor condition and potentially to a positive and satisfied state. This study examines the impact of employees’ state of recovery on public organizations’ reputation, in the light of the mediating role of affective delivery. Analyzing responses from 31 public servants who work in different public organizations in Greece and a total of 354 responses from civilians, we confirmed that employees’ recovery does enhance employees’ affective delivery, which in turn has a positive ef.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2315-7844.21.9.315

    Abstract HTML PDF