Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence
Open Access

ISSN: 2329-6488

Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence : Citations & Metrics Report

Articles published in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence have been cited by esteemed scholars and scientists all around the world. Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence has got h-index 18, which means every article in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence has got 18 average citations.

Following are the list of articles that have cited the articles published in Journal of Alcoholism & Drug Dependence.

  2021 2020 2019 2018 2017

Year wise published articles

59 20 7 33 45

Year wise citations received

182 172 161 159 151
Journal total citations count 1356
Journal impact factor 4.20
Journal 5 years impact factor 5.95
Journal cite score 5.95
Journal h-index 18
Journal h-index since 2018 14
Important citations (1140)

Kilwein, t. m., hunt, p., & looby, a. (2018). a descriptive examination of nonmedical fentanyl use in the united states: characteristics of use, motives, and consequences. journal of drug issues, 0022042618765726.

Usher, k., conway, j., baxter, e., & woods, c. (2018). prescription drug diversion is becoming a lucrative business in regional and rural australian communities and is escalating due to methamphetamine withdrawal. international journal of mental health nursing, 27(2), 467-469.

Geddes, l., iversen, j., memedovic, s., & maher, l. (2018). intravenous fentanyl use among people who inject drugs in australia. drug and alcohol review.

Scarborough, j., miller, e. r., aylward, p., & eliott, j. (2017). ‘sussing that doctor out.’experiences and perspectives of people affected by hepatitis c regarding engagement with private general practitioners in south australia: a qualitative study. bmc family practice, 18(1), 97.

Менделевич, В. Д. (2015). Проблема коморбидности туберкулеза и алкогольной зависимости: от клинических корреляций к организации интегративной помощи. Неврологический вестник. Журнал им. ВМ Бехтерева, 47(4), 71-78.

Разводовский, Ю. Е., Зотов, П. Б., & Кандрычын, С. В. (2017). Самоубийства и эпидемиологические параметры туберкулеза в России: популяционный уровень связи. Суицидология, 8(1).

Hallgren, k. a., mccrady, b. s., caudell, t. p., witkiewitz, k., & tonigan, j. s. (2017). simulating drinking in social networks to inform alcohol prevention and treatment efforts. psychology of addictive behaviors, 31(7), 763.

Deutsch, a. r., steinley, d., sher, k. j., & slutske, w. s. (2017). who’s got the booze? the role of access to alcohol in the relations between social status and individual use. journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 78(5), 754-762.

Child, s. (2016). social capital and social networks: the importance of social ties for health among residents of disadvantaged communities (doctoral dissertation, university of south carolina).

Lardier jr, d. t. (2017). substance use among urban adolescents of color: exploring the effects of ethnic identity, psychological empowerment, and race. montclair state university.

Linton, s. l., haley, d. f., hunter-jones, j., ross, z., & cooper, h. l. (2017). social causation and neighborhood selection underlie associations of neighborhood factors with illicit drug-using social networks and illicit drug use among adults relocated from public housing. social science & medicine, 185, 81-90.

Gaete, j., & araya, r. (2017). individual and contextual factors associated with tobacco, alcohol, and cannabis use among chilean adolescents: a multilevel study. journal of adolescence, 56, 166-178.

UstundaÄŸ, y., & huysal, k. (2017). measurement uncertainty of blood ethanol concentration in drink-driving cases in an emergency laboratory. biochemia medica: biochemia medica, 27(3), 1-6.

Ahmad m (2018) impact of neurotransmitters, emotional intelligence and personality on investor's behavior and investment decisions. pakistan journal of commerce & social sciences 12.

Sigman a (2017) screen dependency disorders.

Hermawati, d., rahmadi, f. a., sumekar, t. a., & winarni, t. i. (2018). early electronic screen exposure and autistic-like symptoms. intractable & rare diseases research, 7(1), 69-71.

Adu ik, mojeeb al, yang c. mathematical model of drinking epidemic.

Owaduge a (2017) the effect of alcohol consumption levels on young workers' performance in metro detroit companies: is there any gender difference? (doctoral dissertation, northcentral university).

Chazireni b (2017) an investigation into corporate social responsibility on sustainable growth of wholesale and retail smes: a case study of ethekwini municipal region (doctoral dissertation).

Hlupić, i. (2017). osobine ličnosti i motivacija za uzimanje marihuane i" novih droga" kod studenata (doctoral dissertation, university of zagreb. department of croatian studies. division of psychology.).
