Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research

Anatomy & Physiology: Current Research
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0940

+44 1300 500008


Unusual Presentation Of Giant Condylomata Acuminata Of The Vulva- A Case Report And Review Of Literature

Yakasai IA

Context: The lesion of condyloma acuminata, popularly known as venereal warts is a sexually transmitted disease generally diagnosed based on their appearance. Giant condyloma acuminata also named Buschke- Löwenstein tumour (BLT) is a slow growing cauliflower-like tumour, locally aggressive and destructive, with possible malignant transformation. The mode of treatment range from application of podophyllin to surgical excision by cauterisation.
Case report: A case of unusual presentation of giant condyloma in a 26 year old, single, nulliparous, HIV positive woman is presented and the literature reviewed. She had an18 month’s history of rapidly progressive growth of vulval tumour and associated itching, contact bleeding, malodorous vaginal discharge and difficulty in walking. She had previously been treated with podophyllin without success. The tumour measured 40 x 30 cm and was successfully excised with no evidence of malignancy.
Conclusion: BLT is still seen in low resource countries like Nigeria, due to late presentation. Wide excision with histological margins examination is the best surgical choice in the treatment of BLT as it was performed in our patient. Small condylomas must be very carefully treated, including with surgical excision, in order to prevent further developing of BLT.
