Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932


The Impact of Maternal HbsAg Carrier Status on Pregnancy Outcomes: An Institutional Experience

Rajshree Dayanand Katke

Background: To examine the impact of maternal HBsAg carrier status on pregnancy outcomes.

Methods: Forty-seven carriers of Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) admitted in the antenatal ward were retrospectively studied and their obstetric outcome was assessed.

Results: The prevalence of HBsAg carrier status amongst indoor antenatal hospital population was found to be around 0.5%with average age of patients being 26 years. Amongst the study population 89% (40) patients delivered at term whereas only 4.4% (2) and 6.6% (3) patients had preterm delivery and abortions respectively. In our study 71.1% (32) delivered vaginally and the LSCS rate was found to be 22.2% (10) Only 2.2% (1) patient had hyperbilirubinemia and all patients had normal serum alamine transferase levels. Associated obstetric problem was found in 40%(18) of study population out of which meconium stained amniotic fluid and premature rupture of membranes were present in approximately 10% of cases each. Average birth weight in our study population was 2.8 kg. Neonatal intensive care unit admission was 7.1% (3) while stillbirth rate was around 2.3% (1) of total deliveries. All neonatal intensive care admission were for respiratory distress and they were later shifted to mother and discharged healthy making the live birth rate around 98%amongst total deliveries.

Conclusions: HBsAg carrier mothers are mostly asymptomatic and had excellent obstetric outcome. Meconium stained amniotic fluid and premature rupture of membranes are commonly associated obstetric problems. LSCS rate is comparable with general population. Active and passive immunization of neonate is the mainstay of management.
