Gynecology & Obstetrics

Gynecology & Obstetrics
Open Access

ISSN: 2161-0932


Short-Term Impact of Starch Particles on Endometriotic Cells in vitro and in a Xenograft Nude Mouse Model

Sjosten ACE, Gogusev J, Malm E, Sonden A, Ingelman-Sundberg H, Kjellstrom BT and Edelstam GAB

Purpose: Investigating the impact of starch powder on human endometriotic cells in vitro and on the implantation and development of adhesions in vivo.
Basic procedure: In vitro - A human endometriotic cell line was incubated with different concentrations of starch particles and the effect on growth was measured by immunoassay. In vivo - Cells from a human endometriotic cell culture were injected with and without starch, into the peritoneal cavity of nude mice investigated 8, 15 respectively 22 days later.
Main findings: In vitro - A low dose of starch particles significantly inhibited the proliferation of endometriotic cells during incubation for 48 h. In vivo - There were significant differences in the development of adhesions when the endometriotic cells were injected intraperitoneally together with starch particles. The development of endometriotic implants was delayed but not significantly in the presence of starch particles.
Principal conclusions: Starch particles have a negative impact on the proliferation of endometriotic cells in vitro and affect the development of endometriotic implants in vivo.
