International Journal of Advancements in Technology

International Journal of Advancements in Technology
Open Access

ISSN: 0976-4860

+44 1478 350008


Optimization of Cutting Parameters for Milling TC4 Materials with Spiral Corn Milling Cutter

S Xiao, X Lou, R Yan

To solve the problem of spiral corn milling cutting TC4 material force inequality and low efficiency, single blade model and cutting force model of spiral corn milling cutter were both analyzed in this paper. By using AdvantEdge FEM software to set the related corn mill cutter blade structure parameters, blade parameters, and network partition, etc. we got the in-process cutting force and temperature simulation figure of spiral corn milling cutter while processing, and on the basis of these simulation parameters, process verification is conducted. The result shows that the analysis of the milling force of spiral corn milling cutter may optimize the cutting parameters, improve the efficiency of difficult-to-machine materials and reduce the tool wear of the cutters while processing TC4 materials. 

Published Date: 2019-06-05; Received Date: 2019-06-24
