International Journal of Advancements in Technology

International Journal of Advancements in Technology
Open Access

ISSN: 0976-4860

+44 1478 350008


FPGA Based Design & Implementation of Embedded System for Tilt Measurement

Mr. A.R.M.Khan,S.M.Gulhane,S.L.Badjate

Measurement of tilt is having a very much importance in the applications such as railway track monitoring, mining, aviation, tunneling, bridge and dam monitoring system, etc. The tilt is measured in terms of degrees and is made with respect to the original tilt of the surface on which the meter is kept. This paper proposes an embedded tilt measurement system, which uses a level sensor, A/D converter, Altera DE2 board and a controller designed in FPGA using VHDL with the help of QUARTUS II software. The proposed model of the tilt measurement system would measure the tilt based on an initial calibration and the Reference tilt set at the beginning. Here we have an output tilt which is available in degrees and it changes as per the input changes .The controller designed using VHDL would sense the changes in the inputs which is the change in the tilt, measured as 8 bit values (measured by level sensor and fed to DE2 board via A/D converter). Accordingly the tilt will be displayed using LCD module on Altera DE2 Board. The proposed system can be calibrated to get the specified precision in calculating the tilt. The system is able to calibrate the tilt up to required precision. The model will be scalable so that the input and output ranges could be easily changed as per the situation demands.
