Advancements in Genetic Engineering

Advancements in Genetic Engineering
Open Access

ISSN: 2169-0111

+44 1478 350008


Advancements in Genetic-Engineering scheduled at Dubai city, UAE during October 27, 2020

Aarav Mohammed

The growth of the market is attributed to the increasing adoptionof digital pathology to boost research laboratory potency, risingprevalence of cancer, growing applications of digital pathology indrug development and companion medicine, easy consultationand increasing initiatives by governments and business players. Introductionof affordable scanners for pathology practices, personaliseddrugs and integration of laboratory info systems (LIS) anddigital pathology systems are expected to supply important growthopportunities for makers in the coming years. The marketplacefor anatomic pathology worldwide can doubtless rise at a gentlepace of 6.5% during the period from 2017 to 2025, predicts areport by Transparency Market Research. At this pace, the marketis projected to clock a price of US$30,314.5 mn by 2025-end fromUS$17,318.0 mn in 2016.With the aim of accelerating the importance of case studies and reports,Meetings International is organizing Webinar on Advancementsin Genetic-Engineering during October 27, 2020 in Dubai,UAE with the theme “REVEALING THE INNOVATIONS INGENETIC-ENGINEERING”. Scientific session includes GeneticEngineering, Advanced Gene Therapeutics, Molecular Biology,Medicinal Biotechnology, DNA Fingerprint, Cell Biology, ClinicalTrials on Cell & Gene Therapy, Gene Therapy, Viral GeneTherapy, Human Genetics, Stem cells. genetic-engineering-meetingembraces with Keynote Session, Oral Session, Poster Session,Young Researchers Session and Exhibitor Session.Dubai is hosting GENETIC-ENGINEERING 2020. GeneticEngineering, also called recombinant DNA technology, involvesthe group of techniques used to cut up and join together geneticmaterial, especially DNA from different biological species, and tointroduce the resulting hybrid DNA into an organism in order toform new combinations of heritable genetic materials. GeneticsAdvancements in Genetic-Engineering scheduled at Dubai city, UAE duringOctober 27, 2020Aarav MohammedJadavpur University Indiais an emerging group of sciences, which involves medicine, geneticengineering, and other biological sciences. Disorders in genecomposition, called mutation may result in genetic disorders thatneed gene therapy treatment. Failure of treatment succeeds themutant genes to offspring’s causing hereditary diseases or disorders.Currently it has emerged as a rapidly diversifying field with thepotential to address the worldwide organ shortage issue and comprisesof tissue regeneration and organ replacement. Regenerativemedicine could potentially save public health bodies money byreducing the need for long-term care and reducing associated disorders,with potential benefits for the world economy as a whole.The global genetic Engineering and regeneration market reached$17 billion in 2013. This market is expected to grow to nearly$20.8 billion in 2014 and $56.9 billion in 2019, a compound annualgrowth rate (CAGR) of 22.3%. On the basis of geography,Europe holds the second place in the global market in the field ofregenerative medicine & tissue engineering. In Europe countrieslike UK, France and Germany are possessing good market sharesin the field of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. Spainand Italy are the emerging market trends for tissue engineeringin Europe. Webinar on Advancements in Genetic-Engineeringduring October 27, 2020 in Dubai, UAE with the theme “REVEALINGTHE INNOVATIONS IN GENETIC-ENGINEERING”.

Published Date: 2020-11-20; Received Date: 2020-11-05
