Special Issue

A woman essentially affects wellbeing, because of both natural and sex-related differences. Women's medical problems gradually pull in global consideration. Around 529,000 ladies die from pregnancy-related causes. Cervical cancer is the second most normal disease in ladies. AIDS has arisen as a worldwide epidemic more than 33.2 million people are HIV positive. There are 6800 new cases and 5700 deaths each day. Most pregnant ladies are ignorant of their HIV status on account of the absence of admittance to testing, absence of information on the sickness, or dread of realizing the result because of the disgrace it puts on them. COVID-19 outbreaks increase girls’ and young women’s duties physically and mentally.

In this special issue, we intend to invite front-line researchers and authors to submit original work on Women’s Health.

Potential topics included:

  • Disease in women
  • Effect of Pandemic on women’s health
  • Cancer
  • Reproductive health
  • Maternal health
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Violence against women
  • Mental health

Evidence from past epidemics indicates resources are often diverted from routine health services. Young ladies need to find out about conceptive and sexual wellbeing, STD anticipation, contraception, AIDS, and how to look for medical care. Governments should join preventive consideration and treatment programs for regenerative medical problems into their wellbeing administrations.

In this context, witnessing your excellent authority in the very subject, we would like to request you to contribute an excellent article.

For further questions or inquiries please contact Editorial Assistant at:


You may consider the following information and access the following links for required further information.

Last date of Submission of article: 31st March, 2021

Tentative issue release date after review process: 15th April, 2021

Submission link: https://www.longdom.org/tropical-diseases/submit-manuscript.html

Submit through mail: tropdisease@emedicinejournals.com

Executive Editor

Liaqat Ali Khan

Physician, Ministry of Health

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia