The physiology of occlusion
30th International Conference on Dental Science & Advanced Dentistry
May 22-23, 2017 Las Vegas, USA

Curtis Westersund

University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada

Keynote: Dentistry


When a patient starts to suffer from chronic pain, it has a significant impact on their lives and it takes a lot of energy to try and function when they are in chronic pain. Many patients will see their medical doctor seeking relief, but often their pain is not medical in origin, but instead is a functional problem and it needs a functional and physiologic solution. The balance and function of the body needs to be restored. Through incorporating physiologic and biometric protocols in the diagnosis and treatment of the TMD into your practice, you will assist not only your patient but you will provide a valuable and much sought service to your community. In this presentation you will learn: 1) Malocclusion and TMD: How many of you�??re patients have or will end up with TMD problems? 2) How can understanding the physiology created by a malocclusion alter your approach to helping both patients of record as well as patient referrals from medical doctors, lawyers and even other dentists. 3) TMD is not limited to the 2 inches around the TMJ. Discover the structural, muscular, neural and physiologic affects of TMD on the head, neck and body. 4) TMD is related to two problems: the mandible in the wrong place and the occlusion is unbalanced. By using biometric tools such as ULF TENS and Tscan, the treatment of TMD can be predictable, simple and effective. Learn an easy to follow protocol you can integrate into your own office. 5) Bring your team. The business of treating TMD starts with the first phone call into the office, the hygiene appointment conversations and the discussion with the patient after the dentist has left the operatory. Team involvement makes all the difference in your service to your patients.

Biography :

Curtis Westersund earned his DDS from University of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta in 1979. He practiced as a General Dentist in the city of Calgary in the province Alberta Canada for 37 years. His practice is focused on the treatment of Temporo Mandibular Disorders (TMD) with a physiologic approach to diagnosis and treatment. He holds a Mastership with the International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO). He has published in the scientific journal CRANIO, The Journal of Craniomandibular & Sleep Practice, for a clinical trial on the effects of postural alignment on dental occlusion. He has been published in the Handbook of Research on Computerized Occlusal Analysis in Dental Medicine, and the book Body Mechanics Handbook about use of physiologic and biometric protocols in the treatment of TMD. He has lectured on the treatment of TMD using physiologic and biometric principles throughout the United States, Russia, Europe, Japan, India, Brazil and Canada. He acted as an expert witness for dentists in both Alberta and British Columbia.
