The effect of extrusion processing on solubility and molecular weight of water-soluble arabinoxylan
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology
August 10-12, 2015 London, UK

Abdulmannan Fadel

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


Arabinoxylan is a non-starch polysaccharide (NSP), which is one of the most important polysaccharides contained within
cereal grains. Wheat endospermpentosan and rice bran contain a significant amount of arabinoxylan (7 % in rice bran and
10-12 % in wheat endosperm pentosan).
Several methods have been used for arabinoxylan extraction with varying degrees of success e.g. enzymatic and alkaline
treatment. Yet, the use of extrusion alone as a pre-treatment to increase the yield and reduce the molecular weight in wheat
endosperm pentosan and rice bran has not been investigated.
The samples (wheat pentosan and rice bran) were extruded using a Twin-screw extruder at a range of screw speeds (80
and 160 rpm) and barrel temperatures range (80 to 140 °C) with a throughput of 30 Kg hr-1and moisture content of 25%.
Arabinoxylanswere extracted with water and the extraction yield and molecular weight was determinedusing size exclusion
high-pressure liquid chromatography system.
It was found that increasing screw speed from 80 rpm to 160 rpm, did not effect the extraction yield (p<0.05) of arabinoxylan
from either the wheat endosperm pentosan or the rice bran. However, the molecular weight of the extracted arabinoxylans
from pentosanwas found to decrease with increasing screw speed in wheat endosperm pentosan. These low molecular weight
arabinoxylanshave been suggested as immunomodulators.

Biography :

Abdulmannan Fadel is a PhD Student in Manchester Food Research Centre at Manchester Metropolitan University.