Private standards of toxicity level and monitoring food security in Brazil
2nd International Conference on Food Security and Sustainability
June 26-27, 2017 San Diego, USA

Ana Luiza da Gama e Souza

Universidade Estácio de Sá, Brazil

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


This study aims to discuss the problem of food insecurity in Brazil in what it refers to contamination of food by chemical substances such as herbicides, pesticides and other contaminants. The issue will be faced by analyzing, on the one hand, the standards that guide the food system in the world and, on the other hand, human rights indicators whose purpose is to provide an effective monitoring of the State's obligations to guarantee food security, analyzing the implications of the former for the success of the latter. The methodology adopted in this article was bibliographic-documentary. The reports of the Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States were first analyzed to identify the set of progress indicators developed by the commission and the new methodology used to evaluate their efficiency in monitoring food security in Brazil, for the use of pesticides in the production of food at levels of toxicity not admitted by the inspection bodies. At the same time, the mechanism for monitoring food security in Brazil, which was initially established by the National Food Security Plan (PLANSAN) for 2012-2015 and improved by the II National Food Security Plan for 2016-2019, both prepared by the Chamber (CAISAN), comparing the monitoring proposals with the results presented by CAISAN in the Indicators and Results Report of the National Plan for Food and Nutrition Security 2012-2015, is to evaluate Brazil's progress in ensuring food security. Secondly, there was a need to know and analyze the standardization process of the agri-food system, especially the level of toxicity standards, intrinsically related to food safety monitoring, as a guarantee of pesticidefree food that is harmful to the environment and human health. The research identified the problem of dependence on food safety indicators of private standards of toxicity levels.

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