Premature exfoliation of primary teeth: How to react?
2nd International Conference and Exhibition on Dental & Oral Health
April 21-23, 2014 Crown Plaza Dubai, UAE

Fleihan Dalia

Accepted Abstracts: Oral Health Dent Manag


Primary teeth occupy a leading role in chewing, talking and smiling. However, their main role is to provide space for permanent teeth. The exfoliation of primary teeth usually begins with the lower anterior teeth around the age of six years old. Yet, many factors may cause the premature loss of these teeth whether it was a dental cause (decay, trauma, etc. ) or a general aspect (toxicities, metabolic disorders and malignancies). The lack of compensation of the teeth can lead to many complications that can vary from a malocclusion to a premature or ectopic eruption of a permanent tooth or even retention of replacement germs. The treatment by space maintainers or arcade stabilizers fixed or removable is essential. They will preserve the space for the development of permanent teeth, and thus prevent malocclusions. This presentation will discuss the factors that should be taken into consideration before treating with space maintainers.