Factors of grain quality in agro-technological process
4th International Conference and Exhibition on Food Processing & Technology
August 10-12, 2015 London, UK

Mariya Mangova

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Food Process Technol


During the last decades were defined milling quality, bred making quality, brewing quality, cooking quality or generally they
are called technological quality. Together with reproductive (seed) quality and food value they represent functional quality
of grain. Functional grain quality (plant product) is a set of properties justifying its suitability to be used for a particular purpose.
QUALITY FACTORS IN PROCUREMENT OF SEEDS: species, physiological form, variety .For seeding have to use only
certified seeds
FACTORS OF GRAIN QUALITY IN SOWING AND CULTIVATION: interaction between genotype and environment,
characteristics of soil, including soil acidity, predecessor and fertilization– two very impotent controlled factors having huge
effect on productivity and quality of grain, soil pollution with heavy metals , weed infestation, damage of grain caused by agro
meteorological conditions
FACTORS OF GRAIN QUALITY AT HARVEST: time of harvest, harvesting hours of the day unfavorable agro meteorological
FACTORS OF GRAIN QUALITY AFTER HARVESTING: Storage mode before grain processing, operations during processing
provide good storage,
FACTORS OF GRAIN QUALITY DURING SRORAGE: sheds, warehouses, silos and their preparation of grain storage,
cleaning of impurities, grain drying, postharvest ripening , spreading of micro-flora ,assault by warehousing pests ,rules of
storage - the most important parameters are: temperature , humidity and storage time; prevention grain bulk of self-heating

Biography :

Mariya Mangova obtained M. Sc. Degree of Engineer - Technologist from the University of Food Technologies in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. She obtained PhD Degree in the field
of Cereal quality from University of Food Technologies, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. The subject of doctoral thesis was “Improvement of Estimation Method for Blending Capacity of
Bread Wheat”