Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156

Diabetes observatory of Colombia: A health tool to decision makers

5th World Congress on Diabetes & Metabolism

November 03-05, 2014 Embassy Suites Las Vegas, USA

Diana Carolina Tamayo Fuquen

Scientific Tracks Abstracts: J Diabetes Metab

Abstract :

The Colombian healthcare system is based in assurance, provided by several insurers. Hence, a global registry of the diabetes mellitus (DM) cases does not exist. However, there are some offical sources of healthcare data and some local research about DM. This information could be taken into account to get an aproximation to the condition of this disease within the Colombian healthcare system, even within the diabetic population that has not gotten in touch with it. The reported DM figures by these sources have not been integrated and compared so far. Hence, the Organization for Health Excellence has been developed the Diabetes Observatory of Colombia - ODC. Their aims are: to provide relevant and useful information to the stakeholders in the health system for decision making, to generate networking with several stakeholders in the health sector to enhance the primary aim and develop new research initiatives and improving care given to patients with DM in Colombia and to set a system of indicators for monitoring, supporting informed decision making, and improve the care of DM in Colombia. ODC develops activities to search for information and knowledge management through systematic reviews of literature, preparation and publication of summaries of relevant literature and development of indicators related to the care of diabetes in Colombia. Topics of interest: epidemiology of DM, access and quality of health services to patients with diabetes, cost of the disease and health care models and successful experiences in the care of these patients in Colombia. ODC works in collaboration with a board of directors composed by professionals with different training and experience in clinical and research in areas related to diabetes, epidemiology, public health and health systems. For one year and a half, ODC has developed: a cualitative study about health care models for diabetes, a national forum, an advisory board, a board of directors sessions per month, four systematic reviews about DM in Colombia, e-newsletters, scientific papers, sets of indicators related to the demand for health services because of DM, a web site, and several abstracts to show in different scientific events in Colombia and abroad. Also, four research proposals has been written to find out about some specific topics related to DM in Colombia.

Biography :

Diana Carolina Tamayo got her degree as a Doctor in 2008. Two years later she got her degree as Specialist in Health Audit. She obtained her Master?s degree in Clinical Epidemiology in 2013, when she was 28. She has worked as coordinator of economic evaluations related to health technologies in Colombia and she has been contributor to the evidence based guidelines made in her county. Currently, she is the Coordinator of the Diabetes Observatory of Colombia - ODC, which has been developed by the Organization for Health Excellence for one year and a half. From de ODC, there has been published papers and abstracts in several scientific events in Colombia and abroad.
