A systematic method for regeneration of water and hydrogen networks
International Conference and Expo on Oil and Gas
November 16-18, 2015 Dubai, UAE

Walaa Mahmoud Shehata

Suez University, Egypt

Posters-Accepted Abstracts: J Pet Environ Engineering


Resource conservation role in process industry nowadays is due to market competitiveness and strict environmental regulations. Resource regeneration is one of strategies which can lead to resource conservation. In this work, the mass load cascade analysis (MLCA) for regeneration of water and hydrogen networks as an extension to the mass load analysis technique for reuse/recycle of water networks has been developed. The MLCA leads to the identification of minimum flow rate targets, pinch-point location and resource allocation targets for utility water and hydrogen regeneration systems. All these targets are determined ahead of detailed design of resource network. For hydrogen regeneration system, selection of hydrogen purification unit was systematically accessed via MLCA. Different case studies from literature for water and hydrogen networks are solved to illustrate the proposed approach.

Biography :

Email: walaashahata78@yahoo.com