Market Analysis - (2020) Volume 6, Issue 3

Market Analysis: Exaggerating New Trends in Patient Safety and Nursing Education, London, UK on March 19-20, 2020
Husham Taha Mohammed
Professor, MBBS Faculty of RAK College of Medical Sciences, UAE


LONGDOM proffers our immense pleasure and honour in extending you a warm invitation to attend Euro Nursing 2020. It is focusing on ‘Exploring the current challenges and Advancements in Healthcare and Nursing Education’ to enhance and explore knowledge among Healthcare Departments, industries and to establish corporations and exchanging ideas. Providing the right stage to present stimulating Keynote talks, Plenary sessions, Discussion Panels, B2B Meetings, Poster symposia, Video Presentations and Workshops.

LONGDOM proffers our immense pleasure and honour in extending you a warm invitation to attend Euro Nursing 2020. It is focusing on �Exploring the current challenges and Advancements in Healthcare and Nursing Education' to enhance and explore knowledge among Healthcare Departments, industries and to establish corporations and exchanging ideas. Providing the right stage to present stimulating Keynote talks, Plenary sessions, Discussion Panels, B2B Meetings, Poster symposia, Video Presentations and Workshops.

Nursing Education in the field of a nursingplatform to gain or share knowledge in the newtechnological developments in the field of Nursing.Nurse education comprises of the theoretical andpractical training providing to nurses with thepurpose to formulate them for their callings asnursing care and, healthcare professionals. Thiseducation is provided to nursing students bypractised nurses and other medical professionalswho have capable or experienced for educationaltasks. Nursing Education development status andforecast in the United States, EU, Japan, China,India, and Southeast Asia. Nursing educationcourses that can be applicable to general nursing orto specialized areas including:

• Mental health nursing

• Pediatric nursing

• Post-operatory nursing

Nurse practitioners are in demand and are to find themselves in an exceptionally friendly job market.The top-paying state for nurse practitioners inAlaska. Hawaii, California, and Oregon are alsolucrative.

Market Report on Nursing Education and theirtop Companies’ Growth:

The Nursing Education market report includes acomprehensive analysis of the competitivelandscape of this vertical. The report provides anelaborate analysis of the competitive scope of thisindustry by segmenting the same into companiessuch as:

• Duke University

• Johns Hopkins University

• University of Pennsylvania

• University of California

• Columbia University

• Emory University

• Louisiana State University Health NewOrlean

The health care industry has several sectors that arededicated to providing health care services to apatient and well-maintained facilities and logisticsand to deliver quality medicines and technologieswhich are very much indispensable, according tothe World Health Organization.

The WHO has also appraised that over 1.3 millioncommunity health workers, and making the healthcare industry one of the largest segments of the workforce.

The global healthcare industry is expected to growfrom $99.6 billion in 2010 to $162.2 billion in2015, at a CGAR of 10.2% from 2010-2015.


Increasing cases of chronic diseases coupled withthe rise in the geriatric population are anticipatedto fuel the market growth. According to an articleby the United Nations in 2017, the elderlypopulation accounted for nearly 13% of the globalpopulation and is anticipated to increase by 3%annually. Furthermore, senior individuals areprone to chronic diseases and need morehealthcare services, which are anticipated to drivethe market. Rising workforce pertaining to homehealthcare service translates the increasing demand.As per the statistics published by the U.S. Bureauof Labor Statistics, the ranks of personal care and,home care aides are anticipated to reach 13.0million by 2020, which translates to approximately70.0% rise from 2010.