Editorial - (2021) Volume 10, Issue 8

An Overview on T Cells
Monic Brzychk*
Department of Microbiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland
*Correspondence: Monic Brzychk, Department of Microbiology, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Kraków, Poland, Email:

Received: 04-Aug-2021 Published: 26-Aug-2021, DOI: 10.35248/2327-5073.21.10.e223

Editorial Note

T cells are a kind of lymphocytes. They are one of the immune system's most significant white blood cells, and they're crucial to the adaptive immune response. T cells are distinguished from other lymphocytes by the presence of a T-Cell Receptor (TCR) on their cell surface. The subtypes of T cells that have been differentiated have a range of essential functions in directing and shaping the immune response. T cells develop in the thymus after beginning in the bone marrow. They multiply in the thymus and develop into helper, regulatory, or cytotoxic T cells, as well as becoming memory T cells. They're then transported to peripheral tissues or circulated in the blood and lymphatic system. Helper T cells secrete chemical messengers known as cytokines after being activated by the right antigen. B cells are stimulated to develop into plasma cells by these cytokines. Regulatory T cells are a different type of T cell that is responsible for the tolerance process. This kind of T cells help to control the immune system, maintain self-antigen tolerance, and avoid autoimmune disease. These regulatory T cells are also often known as suppressor T cells because of this reason. Cancer cells can use these similar regulatory T cells to prevent tumour cells from being recognized and responding to an immune response.

T cells are most normally associated with infectious disorders, although they are also utilised in other elements of adaptive immunity. This includes allergic reactions and tumour responses. They help humans maintain immunological homeostasis for decades, but they can also cause inflammatory or autoimmune illnesses. The role of T cells tends to vary over a person's life. Naive T cells are essential for the development of immunity against common infections and antigens during childhood. Long-term memory T cell reserves are formed during this time and can be maintained throughout adulthood. They mostly play a role in keeping homeostasis and immune regulation of repeat or chronically encountered antigens in maturity, when there are fewer novel antigens are recognized. T cell functionality reduces as people age, which later causing to immune system dysregulation and related diseases.

T cells are notable for their ability to distinguish between healthy and diseased cells in the body. Healthy cells often express a significant number of self-derived pMHC (major histocompatibility complex) on their cell surface and while some of these self-derived pMHC can attach to the T cell antigen receptor, the T cell normally ignores these healthy cells. T cells, on the other hand, can become activated and begin immunological responses when these same cells carry even trace amounts of pathogen-derived pMHC. Antigen discrimination refers to T cells' ability to overlook healthy cells while responding when those same cells contain pathogen-derived pMHC.

T cell exhaustion refers to a condition in which T cells are no longer functioning. Progressive loss of function, alterations in transcriptional patterns, and persistent expression of inhibitory receptors are all hallmarks of this condition. Chronic infections, sepsis, and cancer can all cause exhaustion. Even after frequent antigen exposure, exhausted T cells retain their functional insufficiency.

Citation: Brzychk M (2021) An Overview on T Cells. Clin Microbiol. 10:e223

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