Marley Andrie

Journal of Tropical Disease and Public Helath, United Kingdom

  • Editorial   
    Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Women Health- An Overview
    Author(s): Marley Andrie*

    Covid or COVID-19 pandemic, what broke out in late 2019 in the Wuhan city of China has straightforwardly and in a roundabout way influenced every single circle of life across the world. Till date it has influenced more than 3.9 million individuals with a loss of life of 270,740 the world over. Adapting to a pandemic medicinally is hard, however more troublesome is to emerged from the dread and frenzy it has causes furthermore, can cause to the people in question. Be that as it may, the dread brought about by conceivably falling casualties to the illness would itself be able to be a staggering encounter as it works up individuals' feelings and sensitivities. Ladies are for the most part the casualties of such sensitivities. There has not been any sexual orientation investigation of the pandemic by any administration of wellbeing association or any appraisals of expected casualties .. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2329-891X.21.9.281

    Abstract HTML PDF