A. Calles

Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico

  • Mini Review   
    Why Nose and Mouth Coverings are Highly Recommended to Impede SARS-Cov-2 Spread
    Author(s): J.L. Morán-López* and A. Calles

    In fourteen months the number of infected people with SARS-COV-2 has reached more than 159 millions and from those more than 3 million have resulted in death. There is now a consensus that the airborne saliva droplets, that are produced while speaking, coughingor sneezing by infected people is one of the most likely routes of transmission of the corona virus disease (COVID-19). The expelled droplets can measure between 0.4 and 450 μm in diameter. Once the droplets are in the air, they are subject to the gravitational, and air frictional forces that dictate their motion. Through exhaustive aerodynamic studies it has been shown that the aerosol droplets (less than 5 μm) can remain in the environment for very long periods of time and be transported by air currents. Larger droplets take shorter times and land within a circle of 1.5 to 2 m radius. Of key importance is the droplet siz.. View more»

    DOI: 10.35248/2155-9597.21.12.402

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