Pandian M Vasant

Pandian M Vasant

Department of Fundamental and Applied Sciences, University Technology PETRONAS, Malaysia

Dr. Pandian Vasant (H index: 30) is an Editor-in-Chief of IJEOE (ESCI/WoS). He holds PhD in Computational Intelligence (UNEM, Costa Rica), MSc (UMS, Malaysia, Engineering Mathematics) and BSc (Hons) in Mathematics (MU, Malaysia). His research interests include Soft Computing, Hybrid Optimization, Innovative Computing and Applications. He has co-authored research articles in journals, conference proceedings, presentation, special issues guest editor, book chapters (290 publications in ResearchGate). In the year 2009 and 2015, Dr. Pandian Vasant was awarded top reviewer and outstanding reviewer for the journal Applied Soft Computing (Elsevier). He has 26 years of working experiences at the universities.