Edna Aparecida Leick

Edna Aparecida Leick

department of Medicine, School of Medicine, University of São Paulo. Brazil

 Dr. Edna Aparecida Leick Graduated in Biological Sciences at Universidade São Judas Tadeu (1984), Master in Biological Sciences (Molecular Biology ) at the Federal University of São Paulo (1996), and Doctorate in Sciences (Experimental Pathophysiology), University of São Paulo (2002). Is currently a Biologist (hired as Expert Laboratory), Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo. She has experience in Pulmonary Histopathology and Physiology with an emphasis on the Physiology of Respiration, acting on the following topics: airways, inflammatory mediators, leukotrienes, nitric oxide, stress, pulmonary remodeling, proteinase inhibitors, guinea-pigs, mice, and chronic allergic inflammation.