Amedeo Amedei

Amedeo Amedei

Amedeo Amedei, Department of Internal Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, Viale Pieraccini, Firenze, Italy

Amedeo Amedei (01.04.1971), on 1996 he graduated with full marks and honors in Biology at Florence University. He has started his career with a scholarship (1997-99) studying the role of T cells in various diseases (GVHD, atopic dermatitis, kidney rejection). The Dr. Amedei is coauthor of all 23 manuscripts. The his scientific production is composed of 111 peer reviewed articles. At present, he is serving as an editorial board member of 25 reputed journals and reviewer of 33 international journals. To date the Dr. Amedei has been granted various grants as principal investigator. For more details about the scientific production