
Time Use Patterns and Its Predictors among Zimbabwean Young Adults Living with HIV/AIDS: A Cross Sectional Analytical Study

Kassimir Masea, Clement Nhunzvi, Cathrine Tadyanemhandu, Edwin Mavindidze and Tecla Mlambo

Time use patterns among HIV-infected young adults may have a bearing on functional health outcomes yet it has not been explored in Zimbabwe. A study was done to determine time use patterns by this group for various occupations in a typical week day and to identify factors influencing these patterns. Participants aged 20 to 39 years were consecutively recruited as they attended routine medical check-up in an urban setting. Data collection from 61 participants was through a structured interview. Ethical clearance was granted and participation was voluntary. Major time use was in sleep (39.1%), Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) (11.3%) and Basic ADL (11.3%). Gender was the major influencing factor for time use in IADL, social participation, leisure and rest (p< 0.01). Religion and age-group explained social participation (p < 0.01). There is occupational imbalance, and intervention programs should be implemented to address the imbalance.