
Stomata Complex in Some Shrubs and Trees

Obembe, O. A.

Twenty taxa comprising of 13 shrubs and 7 trees, distributed in 13 orders and 13 angiospermic families were documented with descriptions for nature of stomata. The epidermal cells are generally arched as found in 17 taxa, with 3 wavy forms. Anomocytic, anisocytic, paracytic, diacytic, tetracytic and mixed stomata were observed. Stomata size ranging from 18.89 x 13.40μm in Solanum torvum to 34.23 x 24.55μm in Tabernaemontana pachysiphon and stomata index values varying from 4 in Macaranga barteri to 24% in Glyphaea brevis were recorded in this study.