
Journal of Forensic Pathology

ISSN - 2684-1312


Rheumatoid Arthritis and its management protocol in General practice

Devavrata Sarkar

Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease which is characterized by the painful joints and disability. Patients with arthritis always have chronic, progressive joint pain and morning stiffness thats leads to erosion, destruction and deformity in bony structures and joints. Diagnosis is sometimes difficult and misunderstood with other Rheumatological diseases . Only RA & ACPA test is not enough to diagnose this disease. A scoring system can lead to proper diagnosis. In most cases people in rural area are not attentive to their problems and that leads to poor prognosis. Some of them suffer from poor joint function and can’t even make simple household work in day to day life. In this modern era with huge progressiveness in pain management and Rheumatoid treatment providing us certain relief. DMRD like Methotrexate , Sulfasalazine are now used as treatment. Biological invention and steroid therapy is also available. However, like medicine therapy there are other behavioural therapies for any type of chronic pain management are showing excellent effect on community for management of RA. In a nutshell, a combination of management can provide good prognostic effect on the patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.
