
Neuroimaging in Craniocerebral Trauma

Rajul Rastogi, Sumeet Bhargava, Pawan Joon, Yuktika Gupta, Asif Majid Wani and Vijai Pratap

In the present era, trauma is the commonest cause of death in the middle aged group. Cranio Cerebral Trauma (CCT) is common in both urban and rural areas and is associated with high morbidity and mortality rates. In any case of trauma, the outcome depends on two major issues: detection of type and extent of injury and the time taken for management. Though, the presenting neurologic status of the patient is the single best predictor of clinical outcome, but imaging determines the prognosis of these patients especially when the Glasgow coma scale (GCS) is high. There have been major advancements in the field of neuroimaging for CCT over the last decade.