
Journal of Diabetes & Metabolism

ISSN - 2155-6156


Anti-diabetic, Haematinic and Anti-cholesterolmic Effects of Wheat (Triticum aestivum Linn.) Grass Juice Metabolites to Cure Alloxan Monohydrate induced type-1 Diabetes in Albino Rats

Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Dr. Kumari Shachi, Dr. Nayan Kumar Prasad, Dr. N. K. Dubey, Dr. Usha Dubey

Introduction: From time immemorial therapeutic potential of Triticum aestivum grass is known. In present study an effort has been made to assess the hypoglycemic, anti-cholesterolmic and haematinic activity of Triticum aestivum grass juice in alloxan monohydrate induced experimental animal model.

Materials and methods: Rats were acclimatized for 7 days in lab temperature. All animals were given standard water and pellet diet. Diabetes was induced in rats with the help of alloxan monohydrate (120 mg/kg body weight). After alloxan monohydrate injection rats were separated and treatment started with Triticum aestivum grass juice and insulin. Blood glucose level monitored with the help of glucometer.

Results and discussion: A marked rise in fasting blood glucose as well as serum cholesterol level was observed in diabetic control rats when compared to normal control rats. Anti- hyperglycemic, anti-cholesterolmic and haematinic activity observed in Triticum aestivum grass juice administered rats on 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th days post treatment. Antihyperglycemic and anti-cholesterol mic activity was found less effective than that of insulin treatment group.

Conclusion: It is hope that present investigation will be helpful in establishing a scientific basis for anti-diabetic, haematinic and anti- cholesterolmic effects in experimental animal models. The results are (<0.05) statistically significant.
