
Answers to the Official Statement of SSKM-SSU (UK) to Uqbah Iqbal’s Article

Uqbah Iqbal

Before this, I had published an article entitled “Opinion on SSKM and Sabah Country Myth” in Arts and Social Sciences Journal, Volume 7, Issue 2, 2016. An official statement issued by Sabah Sarawak Union - United Kingdom (SSU-UK) on 9 September 2016, and the case went viral on facebook. I will elaborate on my article to resolve all the questions raised. Before that, let me explain the methodology of history. Writing is to use screening and writing methods from the point of history. This means that the subject matter of the study is the use of resources, especially archive files and data from government organizations, whether printed or not printed. The initial phase of the research is to identify and collect resources. This is done by conducting research in libraries, archives and government organizations as well as by means of external studies. In the second stage the researcher make verification and manipulation of resources. The results of the information obtained is assessed and analyzed by the researcher and this understanding is the third stage in the process of research which makes interpretation of sources. At the same time, the researcher also compiled resources according to priorities and the extent of the contribution of these sources to writing later. Finally writing made and this is the last stage in the research process. Dear Doris Jones as founder of Sabah Sarawak Union - United Kingdom, did you follow all these rules? The answer is NO.