
A comparative study on weight changes in rats fed with diet containing Yaji, Yaji-additives and Yaji-spices

U Akpamu, AO Nwaopara, AM Izunya, GA Oaikhena, O Okhiai, BO Idonije, UC Osifo

This eight-week study investigates the effect of Yaji on the weight of adult Wister rats. The experimental rats were subdivided into nine groups (A â???? I). Group A (control) received 300g of feed (growers mash) only; B received 237g of feed plus 9g of each of the combined constituents of Yaji, while C, D, E, F, G, H and I, received 291g of feed plus 9g of clove, salt, MSG, ginger, red pepper, black pepper, and groundnut respectively. At the end of each week, the weights of 3 randomly selected rats were taken and the mean recorded. The overall results showed that there was weight gain in groups D, E and I as compared to A, while weight loss was observed in groups B, C, F, G and H. Although these changes were not statistically significant, it suggests however, that Yaji has inherent potentials for weight management, in so far as its production and consumption is regulated.